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Texas-based thrashers WARBEAST have released a horror-flick inspired music video for the track "Blood Moon". The song comes off the band's new album, "Destroy", released last week via Housecore Records. The clip, which tells the terrifying story of Gnmange,Cheap Jerseys, a tormented werewolf, and his need to exist, was directed by Mike Holderbeast of Cement Level Studios NOLA,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, known for his recent work with DOWN on their music video for the track "Witchtripper". The video features the acting talents of WARBEAST guitarist Scott Shelby and slayed victims Amber Michelle and Sarah Vaz,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and features special effects work by Molly Federline. As the star of the video, Shelby was able to experience all of the video's special effects and behind-the-scenes tricks first-hand. "First, Mike came to our rehearsal space at Zativa Studios in Texas," Scott explains. "There, we filmed the jamming parts of the video in front of black screens and green screens. Next came the werewolf part, which had me going to New Orleans to Mike's place. I followed his directing tips in order to become and transform into the Beast with professional makeup artist and lots of blood. We filmed in the French quarters and step by step did the transformation — ripping flesh, growing teeth, and turning into the Beast which had been caged and taunted by two beautiful women. The beast eventually slaughters both of them in this classic horror film metal video!"He adds: "'Blood Moon' is a special song to me because I wrote it years ago. Bringing it back to life with WARBEAST is an honor and long overdue. Plus,Wholesale Jerseys, Bruce put his horror movie lyrics to it, which are the icing on the cake. This is a great song and a dream come true for Bruce and I. Mike Holderbeast is a master at his art as you will see in this awesome video. Enjoy and slash and thrash!" Casey Orr (RIGOR MORTIS, GWAR) will join WARBEAST as their fill-in bassist while on the road this spring with GWAR. The band's tour dates with GWAR and WILSON kick off in Tucson, Arizona on April 10. The 16-day run,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, dubbed the "Fate Or Chaos Tour",Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, will continue through the month of April until it closes in Jacksonville, Florida on April 25. States WARBEAST vocalist Bruce Corbitt: "Obviously, we are all psyched to have Casey on board for this upcoming tour with GWAR and WILSON. I've always respected Casey's professionalism, abilities and musicianship from our many years together in RIGOR MORTIS. This will be a natural and comfortable fit for WARBEAST. Plus he's still buds with all of the guys in GWAR, so this tour will be a blast… to say the least."Adds Orr: "I am very excited to accept the challenge of playing bass for the mighty WARBEAST! I'm looking forward to crushing skulls with my brothers in the Beast,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and I'm totally stoked to be bringing the thunder on the road this April, supporting my Scumdog family — GWAR. Texas thrash will destroy!""Destroy" was produced by former PANTERA frontman, and Housecore owner, Philip H. Anselmo, and engineered by Stephen "The Big Fella" Berrigan at Anselmo's Nodferatu's Lair studios in Louisiana in May and July 2012. The effort was mixed by Anselmo and Berrigan. The album artwork and concept were designed by "Carcass" John Fossum with graphic and technical adviser John Deleon. WARBEAST recently released a split album with Anselmo, entitled "War Of The Gargantuas". The split, released via Housecore, includes two songs from each artist. This album serves as the first release of any solo work by Anselmo during the span of his nearly 30-year legacy. Also, the two WARBEAST tracks on the split feature former bassist Alan Bovee before his amicable departure from the band.

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