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發表於 2018-1-26 20:16:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Browns coach Mike Pettine said on Monday that Sheard had sustained a potentially serious injury and in all likelihood was done for the season. However, on Wednesday, the news on Sheard is a "little more encouraging."
"I might rule him out tomorrow,Jerseys NFL China, but I'm not going to do it today,Wholesale NHL Jerseys," Pettine said. "I don't think the possibility's high,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, but there's still a possibility."

Sheard has 36 tackles and two sacks in his fourth season with Cleveland.
Pettine said Sheard's injury involves a bone in his foot and there was a prior injury before the 6-foot-3, 264-pounder went down in the third quarter of Sunday's loss to Houston.
BEREA, Ohio (AP) — The Browns may have caught a break with Jabaal Sheard's foot injury.
The Browns are expecting to be without inside starting inside linebacker Karlos Dansby for "upwards of a month" after he injured his left knee against the Texans. Pettine said Dansby, the team's leading tackler,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, is working hard to get back and has not ruled him out for Sunday's game in Atlanta
Browns Pro Bowl tight end Jordan Cameron remains sidelined with a concussion sustained on Oct. 26 against Oakland.  Cameron, who was struck in the back of the head after making a catch, appeared to be close to returning several times,Wholesale Jerseys, but he continues to have symptoms. Cameron has had three concussions in less than three seasons.
Sheard, who will be an unrestricted free agent after the season, was injured on a non-contact play in the 23-7 loss to the Texans. Pettine expects Sheard to be "down for a while" but is optimistic he'll be back at some point.
"So it potentially could be, once it quiets down, that he'd be able to play with it," Pettine said before practice on Wednesday. "We sent him to one of the most renowned foot experts out there and that was the opinion. But it's such a rare thing. It was good news,Supply Cheap Jerseys, but it surprised all of us."
After fearing they had lost the veteran linebacker for the remainder of the season, the Browns reported Sheard received a positive second medical opinion and could return to the field.

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