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Cheap Jerseys From China the long-awaited fifth studio album from LIMP BIZKIT









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發表於 2016-12-27 13:24:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Gold Cobra", the long-awaited fifth studio album from LIMP BIZKIT,Cheap Jerseys, is likely to sell between 23,000 and 27,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release, according to industry web site Hits Daily Double. The estimate was based on one-day sales reports compiled after the record arrived in stores on June 28 via Interscope. The CD was recorded with the band's original lineup of Fred Durst, Wes Borland, Sam Rivers,Cheap NFL Jerseys, John Otto, and DJ Lethal and was produced by Durst. Commented Durst,NFL Jerseys China, "We've come full circle to absolutely own who we are as a band, an undisputed five-piece rap rock powerhouse who crushes every stage we play.""Gold Cobra" comes in several configurations. The standard release features 13 new songs while the deluxe edition (available digitally only) features 16 new songs. Additionally,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, fans can purchase a physical CD that has 17 original songs exclusively at Best Buy,Cheap Jerseys From China, and that same release of 16 songs is available digitally at Napster.com.LIMP BIZKIT has sold more than 35 million albums, filled concert arenas around the globe,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, and has received countless awards and accolades. Formed in 1995,Cheap NBA Jerseys, LIMP BIZKIT achieved massive success with its studio album "Significant Other", which debuted at #1 on the Billboard charts and went on to sell over 16 million copies worldwide. In 2000, the band's third studio album,Jerseys From China, "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water",Wholesale NFL Jerseys, continued the band's success by selling approximately 1.5 million copies in its first week, making it the fastest-selling rock album of all time. The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, and was voted Favorite Alternative group at the American Music Awards. They have also won numerous MTV Video Music Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards, and Billboard Music Awards.LIMP BIZKIT is known for its strong connection to the fans and has more than 2 million followers on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms."Gold Cobra" album configurations and track listings:Standard01. Introbra02. Bring It Back03. Gold Cobra04. Shark Attack05. Get A Life06. Shotgun07. Douche Bag08. Walking Away09. Loser10. Autotunage11. 90.2.1012. Why Try13. Killer In YouDeluxe01. Introbra02. Bring It Back03. Gold Cobra04. Shark Attack05. Get A Life06. Shotgun07. Douche Bag08. Walking Away09. Loser10. Autotunage11. 90.2.1012. Why Try13. Killer In You14. Back Porch15. My Own Cobain16. AngelsBest Buy Deluxe01. Introbra02. Bring It Back03. Gold Cobra04. Shark Attack05. Get A Life06. Shotgun07. Douche Bag08. Walking Away09. Loser10. Autotunage11. 90.2.1012. Why Try13. Killer In You14. Back Porch15. My Own Cobain16. Angels17. Middle Finger (feat Paul Wall)The band will hit the road this summer in support of the new album.Video courtesy of LimpBikzit.com

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