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[PS3] Kris Letang Jersey 1julihdj









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發表於 2016-12-27 18:07:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Quality multi-camera video footage of STRYPER's June 23, 2011 performance in Zoetermeer,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, the Netherlands can be viewed below.In a recent interview with the Houston Press,Larry Johnson Chiefs Jersey, guitarist/vocalist Michael Sweet stated about STRYPER's Christ-filled message and hard-rocking attitude, "We grew up going to KISS and VAN HALEN shows. We didn't grow up in the church or get molded in the church like most other Christian bands. We came up in the rock scene and that is why we were a bit different in terms of delivery and approach and how we sound. We were called to go out in the world and into the bars,Morten Andersen Saints Jersey, where other Christian bands aren't comfortable going."He added, "We were in the right place at the right time and it was all about timing with us. "When we rededicated our lives to Christ, we were one of the first bands to come out like us. Prior to us you had PETRA and others,Len Dawson Chiefs Jersey, but none were as edgy or packaged quite like us. "God formed this band and called us to do what we do. Because of that,Anthony Munoz Bengals Jersey, so many doors were open and so much history was made.""The Covering",Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey, the new covers album from STRYPER, sold around 4,600 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 175 on The Billboard 200 chart. The band's previous CD, 2009's "Murder By Pride", opened with 5,900 units to land at No. 73. Produced by frontman Michael Sweet, "The Covering" is unlike any previous STRYPER recording in that it's a collection of cover songs from bands that inspired them and helped to shape their sound and musical identity, including hits from JUDAS PRIEST, IRON MAIDEN,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey, LED ZEPPELIN, KANSAS and many others. "The Covering" will also include "God",Steve Atwater Broncos Jersey, a new original recording from STRYPER.           Photo credit: Glen LaFerman

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