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發表於 2016-12-28 04:47:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is gearing up for GUNS N' ROSES' epic residency, "Appetite for Democracy", by offering its guests one-of-a-kind drinks inspired by the band now through the last show, Saturday,Cheap Jerseys USA, November 24. Available at The Joint, Vinyl and all casino bars, fans can enjoy their favorite spirits including vodka, rum,Cheap Jerseys From China, whiskey and more in six limited-time-only concoctions. Crafted by Hard Rock Hotel & Casino mixology experts,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, each signature libation was created from a culmination of various GUNS N' ROSES songs and themes.Rock 'n' roll diehards can pay tribute to the legends by throwing back a "Liquid Dream Shot," which includes fruity hints of raspberry, pineapple, cherry and citrus with a sweet splash of vanilla. Bound to be a crowd favorite, "The Axl Rose," which honors the band's founder and frontman, puts a fancy twist on the iconic cranberry and vodka combination by topping the classic off with champagne.Complete list of GUNS N' ROSES cocktails:* "Patience Punch" ($10): Ketel One, Triple Sec, pineapple juice,Cheap Jerseys Stitched, orange juice and grenadine* "November Rain" ($10): Belvedere Lemon Tea and fresh lemonade* "Liquid Dream Shot" ($9): Absolut Raspberry, Absolut Vanilla, Blue Curaçao, pineapple juice and grenadine* "The Axl Rose" ($10): Champagne, cranberry juice and belvedere vodka* "Paradise City Limits" ($8): Cruzan Rum, Watermelon Pucker, pineapple juice and grenadine* "Welcome to the Jungle" ($8): Jim Beam, Triple Sec,Cheap Jerseys Online, Midori, Blue Curaçao, pineapple juice and sweet and sourGUNS N' ROSES will play 12 mind-blowing shows inside The Joint starting Wednesday, October 31 through Saturday, November 24.GUNS N' ROSES has teamed up with Hard Rock Hotel & Casino to invade Las Vegas with a never-before-seen, one-of-a-kind music experience. Each night, the band will perform an electrifying show featuring a set list created exclusively for The Joint. "Appetite For Democracy" will span the band's biggest hits from their debut album "Appetite For Destruction" (1987) through their platinum-selling record "Chinese Democracy" (2008).Ticket prices start at $45 (plus applicable services fees). To purchase tickets or for more information, visit the Hard Rock Box Office, all Ticketmaster locations, Ticketmaster.com, TheJointLasVegas.com or charge-by-phone at 800.745.3000. Ticket and room packages are available at HardRockHotel.com.

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