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Jerseys China Cheap NFL dated May 7









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發表於 2018-2-6 13:40:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– insists termination lacks meritThe termination of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC)’s Director of Nursing Services, Sister Colleen Hicks, has reached the attention of President David Granger.GPSU President,Cheap Jerseys From China,Mr. Patrick YardeGPHC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Michael Khan,Cheap Jerseys From China, two weeks ago opted to terminate the services of the Matron citing “gross insubordination.”This publication was informed that senior representatives of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), including its President Patrick Yarde, at a meeting with President Granger yesterday, vocalised concerns about the move by the CEO.The meeting was also attended by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon. Minister of Health, Dr. George Norton is currently overseas and is expected to return at the weekend.Reports are that at the meeting Minister Harmon was instructed by the President to look into the matter.This state of affairs was confirmed by GPSU General Secretary (Ag), Kemton Alexander, when contacted by this publication yesterday. He said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, too, that the Union is standing its ground in terms of representing Hicks. Hicks has been advised to continue to report for work as per norm despite Khan’s efforts to give a detailed explanation to justify his action.According to Yarde, although he was overseas when Khan engaged his action against the Matron he had offered recommendations on how the matter could have been easily resolved. Without detailing his recommendations he said, “I had spoken to both the Minister (of Health) and Permanent Secretary…I am disappointed to return and find that that has not happened,” said Yarde who is optimistic that his recommendations would still be adhered to.Even as he insisted that the GPSU is not prepared to accept any high-handed actions against its members,Wholesale China Jerseys, the GPSU President disclosed that “Sister Hicks is a novel member of this Union and we admire her professionalism. She is considered one of the most competent nurses and we are convinced that what is happening lacks merits…the Union stands by Sister Hicks.”GPSU’s Senior Industrial Relations Officer, Mr. Dennis English, said, last week,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, that while reports suggest that Hicks’ service was terminated the GPSU was not accepting the CEO’s action.“We have evidence to show that it cannot be concluded in three months,” said English as he revealed that based on a contract Hicks entered with the GPHC on April 7, 2015 her service cannot come to an end until 2018.He pointed out that even if there are concerns about her conduct based on industrial practices Hicks is entitled to a hearing before any decision can be made as it relates to her service. “We have considered all of the allegations and even if someone failed to carry out instructions you can’t be accuser and judge.“Those draconian measures don’t work anymore; people have rights. Even is a person commits murder that person has a right to a hearing and it is the same doctrine of equity that exists in this case,” said English of Hicks’ case.Khan had detailed a series of actions carried out by Hicks which were tantamount to “gross insubordination” which he claimed was grounds for the termination of her service when her probationary period matured on June 15, 2015.While a copy of the employment contract Hicks signed with the GPHC does not outline that she could be terminated during her probationary period an Addendum to the very employment contract seen by this publication, dated May 7, 2015, and signed by both parties, states that “the person engaged shall be required to serve a probation period of no less than three months or a maximum of six months.”Although the Addendum was not seen by the GPSU,Cheap Anaheim Ducks Hoodies, which is adamant that Hicks had no probationary period, English noted, “We have a procedure that cannot be curtailed or breached. She has the right to a hearing…Even if someone breaches the fundamental aspect of things you don’t arbitrarily make a decision; you can’t be guided by malice.”According to him, although the GPSU in a correspondence to the CEO demanded the immediate withdrawal of Hicks’ termination “We are watching and waiting. We are not an uncaring group of people. We are allowing them to do what needs to be done…we are patient.”

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