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Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys which could be located at Turkeyen









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發表於 2018-2-6 21:14:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana has told the Indian Government it is ready to use a US$18 million line of credit to build a specialty hospital to do complicated surgeries, ranging from heart operations and organ transplants to cosmetic surgery.President Bharrat Jagdeo, just back from a trip to India, made the announcement yesterday. He said that since the line of credit is from India, tenders would go out for an Indian company to build the hospital, which could be located at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara.The hospital would be staffed by specialist doctors and the rates would be negotiated with the government and the managers of the hospital. He said the government has settled on a management partner for the hospital.He said the cost of complicated surgery would be at a fraction of the cost that Guyanese pay for surgery overseas but at the same quality. In time, he said the hospital would open its doors to clients form the Caribbean, Northern Brazil and even from North America, mainly Guyanese in the Diaspora.Jagdeo said that he is looking for construction to start by the end of the year and for the hospital to open its doors in two years’ time.For this year,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, the government has budgeted $150 million to commence preparatory work to design the 150-bed surgical specialty hospital.Jagdeo previously said that while over the next three years the health system would be boosted with 900 new general medical practitioners, there is a lack of specialists and this gap would be met with the specialty hospital.“We have expanded the coverage and the quality of primary health care, we have built several new institutions over the past three-four years with most of them funded directly from the budget,” the Head of State said.He was referring to the four diagnostic and treatment centers at Leonora, Suddie, Diamond and Mahaicony, the Ophthalmology Hospital in Port Mourant, and the Modern Linden Hospital among others.Additionally, there are a large number of students currently pursuing studies in medicine,Wholesale Jerseys China, along with the training of nurses and medex all with the prevailing objective of improving the accessibility and quality of primary health care to Guyanese citizens.Referring to his speech at the recent commissioning of the Dazzell housing scheme, where he mentioned that he was going to seek specialty health sector support, he said that the aim is to be able to reach out to patients within communities,jerseys nfl wholesale, so that they no longer have to go through the inconvenience of having to visit clinics and health posts.He asserted that notwithstanding the remarkable progress that has been made, there still remains a gap in terms of the country’s capacity to provide good quality tertiary health care.In an effort to bridge this gap, Government has sought to partner with various health institutions such as the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI), and a special group whose members are now operating at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to carry out some elementary form of cancer treatment. Steps are now being made to provide services for patients who need dialysis.However, the President said that, “this is not enough,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, although we assist patients who go abroad by giving them US$5,Jerseys Wholesale,000, sometimes the cost of surgery is way beyond their means…so clearly we have a big gap here and we intend to fill it.”The Indian Government was approached some time ago where it was agreed that a line of credit will be used for the construction of the specialty hospital and Guyana would choose a partner from India to manage the facility.“We have now settled on a partner in India and we have just approached the Indian Government to say that we are ready for the line of credit. They will then go out to tender for an Indian company because it’s an Indian line of credit and we will have this hospital run by specialists from India,NFL Jerseys Cheap,” he informed.Responding to a question with regards to the location of the US $18M facility, the Head of State said that Government is exploring several options including one possible location in the vicinity of Turkeyen.President Jagdeo further explained that the rates will be negotiated by the Government of Guyana and the new management of the hospital for the provision of “health care at the highest possible level.”India has over the years established itself as one of the pioneers in health care as many persons from even developed countries such as North America travel to the Asian State through medical tourism because of the competitive nature of such services there.When completed the hospital will be providing services including cardio-related and cosmetic surgeries, and organ transplant.He expressed optimism at the possibility of having patients coming from the region, the diaspora and Northern Brazil, once the service is of an exceptionally high standard.Additionally, the President’s visit saw several engagements with the Indian business community in an effort to stimulate its interest in investing in Guyana, particularly in the areas of mining and agriculture.

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