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Cheap NFL Jerseys China "Dystopia"









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發表於 2016-12-28 10:10:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The third in a series of webisodes featuring behind-the-scenes footage from ICED EARTH's European leg of the 2011-2012 "World Dystopia Tour" can be seen below.ICED EARTH kicked off the trek on October 30 at Zeche in Bochum,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Germany.The band's setlist was as follows:01. Dystopia 02. Burning Times 03. Angels Holocaust 04. Slave To The Dark 05. V06. Stand Alone 07. When The Night Falls 08. Damien 09. Dark City 10. Pure Evil 11. Anguish Of Youth 12. My Own Savior 13. Anthem 14. Declaration Day 15. Days Of Rage 16. Tragedy And Triumph 17. Dante's Inferno Encore:18. Iced Earth ICED EARTH will film a video for the song "Anthem" at its December 7, 2011 concert at Essigfabrik in Cologne,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Germany. The track comes off the band's new album, "Dystopia", which sold around 6,100 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 67 on The Billboard 200 chart. ICED EARTH's previous CD,Cheap Jerseys China, "The Crucible of Man (Something Wicked Part II)", opened with 6,Wholesale Jerseys,700 units in September 2008 to debut at No. 79.ICED EARTH's 10th studio offering,Cheap Jerseys, "Dystopia", was released in Europe on October 17 and in the U.S. on October 18 via Century Media Records. Two bonus tracks were also recorded for inclusion on special editions of the album.Schaffer admitted the recording of "Dystopia" was especially challenging because of the band's summer festival gigs requiring him to criss-cross the ocean numerous times.Despite the challenges, Schaffer said working with new vocalist Stu Block was "a pleasure.""You just can't ask for a better attitude," said Schaffer. "Stu is so excited to be here. He brings a youthful exuberance to the band, which is a lot of fun. And he's a real dude. He's down to earth, and willing to try anything that Jim [Morris, co-producer, engineer] or I throw at him. He's stepping into the shoes in a very natural way."Schaffer continued: "We're opening up a part of his voice and a style of singing that he didn't even really know he had. We're exploring this whole new range. And we're just getting started. I believe Stu will continue to grow  and has the potential to grow  into one of the greats, one of the guys that will go down in metal history. If he stays on this course, with the attitude that he has, his willingness to learn, and his passion, he's destined for really great things. I firmly believe that."

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