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發表於 2016-12-28 11:24:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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EMPIRES OF EDEN — the brainchild of PAINDIVISION/ex-DUNGEON guitarist Stu Marshall — will release its third album, "Channelling The Infinite", on June 1 in Japan through Rubicon, and on June 6 in rest of the world June 6 through Music Buy Mail. The CD features guest appearances by some of the most influential voices in metal,Dwyane Wade Bulls Jersey, including:* Udo Dirkschneider (ACCEPT,Bojan Bogdanovic Nets Jersey, U.D.O.)* Rob Rock (IMPELLITTERI,Charles Barkley USA Jersey, DRIVER)* Steve Grimmett (GRIM REAPER, LIONSHEART)* Mike Dimeo (MASTERPLAN,Isaiah Thomas Celtics Swingman Jersey, RIOT)* Sean Peck (CAGE)* Carlos Zema (OUTWORLD, VOUGAN)* Ronny Munroe (TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA,Isaiah Thomas Celtics Jersey, METAL CHURCH)* Alessandro Del Vecchio (HARDLINE, EDEN'S CURSE,Authentic Steven Adams Thunder Jersey, EDGE OF FOREVER)* Danny Cecati (EYEFEAR, PEGAZUS)* Louie Gorgievski (CRIMSONFIRE)* Vo Simpson (DARKER HALF)Loaded with 12 tracks of brain-blasting power metal,Paul George USA Jersey, "Channelling The Infinite" features killer production and powerful, hook-laden music that will appeal to any aficionado. Each song is carefully crafted specifically to suit the singer involved, and designed to best complement their range and style. From there, the vocalists have complete freedom to write the lyrics and melodies, providing a unique insight into what truly inspires these artists. It is also available as a limited-edition digipak that includes bonus tracks for each territory. In addition to the spectacular vocals, face-melting lead breaks and riffs that could take on a nuclear arsenal. EMPIRES OF EDEN once again showcases the incredible cover art by Los Angeles-based artist Alex Ruiz.Commented Marshall: "I am overwhelmed by the power and emotion of the vocal performances that these amazing singers have brought to the album. It's pushed my playing to levels I never thought possible and has created the most well-rounded release I have ever been involved with. Writing for these incredible artists is a dream come true and the finished product has actually exceeded my expectations. Every song is filled with a passion and spirit that immediately grabs the listener; I am very excited for people to hear this album."A digital single, "This Time", featuring Steve Grimmett,Harrison Barnes Mavericks Jersey, is scheduled for release on May 26.

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