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發表於 2016-12-28 12:46:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Slow Drag", the new video from LYNCH MOB, can be seen below. The clip was shot on June 29 in Houston, Texas with renowned film producer W. Ross Wells of Zen Film. While in Houston, the band was also filmed for an upcoming episode of "Live From Sugar Hill", a rare all-acoustic performance shot at Sugar Hill Studios by Grammy producer Dan Workman and Zen Film. "Live From Sugar Hill" is sponsored by Vitamin Water/Coca Cola, and will air sometime in mid-August. "Slow Drag" comes off the band's four-song EP, "Sound Mountain Sessions", which was released on August 7 via Rat Pak Records.According to a press release,Carlos Santana Indians Jersey, "Sound Mountain Sessions" is a straight-forward, gritty, well-polished American hard rock offering that truly captures the magic of the genre. It's got bite, it's got soul,Stolmy Pimentel Mets Jersey, and lyrically,Darren ODay Orioles Jersey, Oni Logan holds nothing back on this one! The effort was recorded in the traditional "old-school" way,J.A. Happ Blue Jays Jersey, with the bandmembers having locked themselves into Sound Mountain Studios for a week straight and putting their ideas in the capable engineering hands of Chris "The Wizard" Collier. With nothing more than the desert rats as their audience, a steady intake of ramen noodles, and their passion for rock and roll,Ben Revere Nationals Jersey, the band gave birth to "Sound Mountain Sessions", an EP that rivals their previous work from the early years. Another fantastic element about these new songs is the addition of bassist Robbie Crane,Sergio Romo Giants Jersey, who brings solid grooves and melodic backing vocals to each track (a little known fact: Robbie was actually the very first bass player of LYNCH MOB!). George Lynch does what George Lynch has always done best in this amazing release — he plugs in his guitar and then taps into the universal energy that only the elite guitar gods have access to....and delivers the goods. You are not looking for another "Wicked Sensation",Danny Salazar Indians Jersey, you are looking for "Sound Mountain Sessions", a powerful EP that introduces you to the next chapter / best chapter yet,Michael Conforto Mets Jersey, of these legendary rockers. "Sound Mountain Sessions" track listing:01. Slow Drag02. World Of Chance03. City Of Freedom04. SuckaLYNCH MOB has tapped Brian Tichy (WHITESNAKE) as its new touring drummer for the upcoming summer shows in support of the band's new release.LYNCH MOB 2012 is:Oni Logan - vocalsGeorge Lynch - guitarRobbie Crane - bassBrian Tichy - drums"Slow Drag" video:  "Sound Mountain Sessions" audio samples:

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