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Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) José Miguel Insulza yesterday told local and regional media operatives that the forum will only recognize ousted President Manuel Zelayla as the legitimate leader of the Honduras.Insulza yesterday met with Caricom leaders,China NFL Jerseys, and in a press briefing following the meeting, told media operatives that the country will remain suspended from the OAS until Zelayla is returned to the helm in Honduras.“The country has to abide by the rules of the OAS or be suspended.”He noted that it could not in any way be in the best interest of the country to remain suspended.While not expressing too much confidence in a speedy resolution of the situation he noted that all diplomatic avenues would be pursued.“We will have to use diplomacy to return to normalcy…the Inter-American Democratic Charter is the only real option.”All of the ambassadors to that country have already been withdrawn and will only return upon the return of Zelayla.The OAS Secretary General will be travelling to Honduras today to meet with several of the local stakeholders, but emphasized there will be absolutely no negotiations with the coup leaders. Insulza emphasized during his presser that the OAS will not be intervening in the internal affairs of the country.The Secretary General told media operatives that as it relates to alleged acts of impropriety committed by Zelaya in Honduras, the OAS was in receipt of no such complaints.Zelaya has promised a return to the Honduras and is offering amnesty to the coup leaders that ousted him.Caricom leaders including Guyana have already voiced their condemnation of the developments in Honduras that led to the removal by a military intervention of the democratically elected Head of State of Honduras, and to his expulsion to Costa Rica.The Community is calling for the immediate reinstatement of President Zelaya.The Caricom Secretariat recently stated that it is deeply concerned by reports that a number of Government officials and diplomatic representatives have been detained and may have been physically harmed.The Community called on all the parties involved in the developments in Honduras to refrain from any recourse to violence and to pursue a peaceful resolution to the current situation.The U.N. General Assembly has already voted by acclamation to demand Zelaya’s immediate restoration.

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