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發表於 2018-2-8 12:39:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Hururu, late Thursday afternoon, removed the huge logs that they had placed across the road to stop Rusal from using the main thoroughfare, which had recently become a source of contention between the two.This course of action was taken, after a meeting between senior officials of the company, the Toshao, Winsbert Benjamin, the Permanent Secretary, Chairman of Region Ten Sharma Solomon, and representatives from the Ministry of Amerindian affairs.Benjamin told residents in a meeting immediately after, that Rusal’s position was that the blockades must be removed before any negotiations could be entertained.A stalled Rusal bauxite bargeThat position was initially rejected by residents, but after a few reasoned that if Rusal did not hold up their end of the bargain, the blockades could always be replaced, they relented.The logs were subsequently removed just before nightfall.Barriers across the river, which had blocked the company’s pontoons from barging bauxite, were removed late Tuesday evening.After the logs were removed, representatives of Hururu, including Toshao, Winsbert Benjamin, met with senior officials of Rusal to inform them that the blockades had been removed and present the community’s proposal, to the company.The proposal stipulated that $6 million be paid monthly to the community for the company’s utilization of the Hururu road to get to its mining operations.It also mandated that residents be granted access to truck their logs from the concessions, and that alternative roads be constructed by Rusal for use by residents.Because Hururu does not have potable water, it was further proposed that five wells be drilled to benefit the entire community.The awarding of special prizes by the company to outstanding students in the community was also proposed.Residents of Hururu had begun their protest action on Sunday last by blocking both the road and the river after word got out that councillors were preparing to sign an agreement which was reached between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.According to the agreement, the village would receive $3.7mil for the lease of 320 acres of land by Rusal.It was further stated that the community would be given two weeks to remove all logs which were ready for ramping and removal.But before all the logs could be removed the road leading to the concession was closed off by Rusal, who had reportedly promised to pay for the ramping of said logs.However that was not done and a new road was subsequently constructed by Rusal. That road covered the logs.Subsequent attempts by residents to retrieve the logs, yielded logs that were reportedly unmarketable.On a recent tour of Hururu by two Region Ten Councillors who sought to determine the difficulties being faced by residents, it was observed that millions of dollars worth of logs were destroyed by Rusal,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, during the clearing of their mining site.Some of the logs were reportedly covered by overburden while some were burnt.It was also observed that residents were unable to market logs that were still on the roadway because they had been denied access by Rusal.A Rusal patrol boatApart from the aforementioned issues, residents were also advocating that the community receive free electricity, or at least at a much cheaper rate.Most of the money that Hururu currently receives from Rusal reportedly goes towards the payment for electricity supplied to the community.Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon, in addressing the electricity issue, and the signing of the agreement said, “There are some things that the company is asking for. Maybe they can have that sorted out, but on the electricity issue and the signing of the agreement the village council should not leave that to be advised by the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.“We can get a lawyer, or two or three Amerindian lawyers to come in and help them with putting the agreement together- finalising its wording…You need somebody that when you sign on the dotted lines could ensure that a document could be taken to a court of law to hold any party accountable.”He added, “There is something called line loss, and if you don’t have a technical person to give input you may be paying for 100 percent electricity of which 30 to 40 percent is lost during line loss because of bad wiring.”Solomon promised to help residents get the necessary technical support to deal with these problems.As regards the other issues he said, “We had this experience in Linden; we don’t want a repeat of this, where people have to be blocking up roads so that they can live good, it happened only a few weeks ago in Ituni, it happened in Moblissa, we don’t want that, so it means collectively as a region we have to work to make things better, nobody in Linden is more important than people in Hururu, because you also have needs and concerns and we have to fix and satisfy them.“So only collectively we can see results, divided you can’t get anything…keep this alive so that if you don’t get what you want you know what you have to do,”He said that residents had every right to ensure that any arrangement between the community and investors are of mutual benefit to both parties, and that the Region and the people of Linden, stand solidly behind the residents of Hururu, in the position that they have taken.

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