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Jerseys NFL Cheap and reserve officer in the Guyana Defence Force









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發表於 2018-2-8 12:43:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The three persons accused of trying to overthrow the government made another court appearance yesterday before Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates Court.Bruce Munroe, a Major in the Guyana Defence Force,Wholesale Jerseys, his wife Carol-Ann Munroe, and reserve officer in the Guyana Defence Force, Leonard Wharton, are accused of plotting to depose the President and Government of Guyana,NFL Jerseys Supply, between December 1,Cheap Jerseys From China, 2009 and December 16,wholesale nfl jerseys, 2010.The trio made their court appearance yesterday as the matter was called up Police Prosecutor Fazil Karimbaksh produced a medical certificate showing that Carol-Ann Munroe was examined by a psychiatrist.The woman’s lawyer had made the request to have the woman see a doctor on the last occasion. A further examination is expected to be carried out by another psychiatrist, explained the Prosecutor.Attorney Nigel Hughes however, yesterday still lamented the fact that his client was still being kept in solitary confinement, and is being kept in a semi-comatose. According to the lawyer the condition his client is in can trigger an episode.According to the woman’s lawyer Munroe is schizophrenic which is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking and of emotional responsiveness.Moreover, the prosecutor on the issue of the appointment of the state prosecutor to handle the matter, said one person has been identified and would be present on the next occasion.Karimbaksh did not disclose the name of the appointed prosecutor but legal observers say that the Special Prosecutor is Sanjeev Datadin.According to the prosecutor the state is ready to proceed with the preliminary inquiry.At this point Nigel Hughes laid over his written submissions to the court.  The matter was subsequently adjourned to February 11.On February 11 the state is expected to respond to the submissions made by Hughes. On February 15 the preliminary inquiry is expected to begin.Attorneys at law Nigel Hughes,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Gregory Gaskin,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Trenton Lake and George Thomas represent the trio.The defence lawyers opined that the prosecutor has an uphill task to prove his case, and they (clients) are very hopeful and confident that what they know the police have against them does not amount to a conviction.Treason is a capital offence that is not bailable. The last persons to be slapped with treason charges were Mark Benschop and Philip Bynoe. Benschop has since been released from prison where he spent five years while Bynoe was never brought to court although charged.The charging of the trio with treason now totals up to five persons who have been charged and prosecuted by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-led administration since 1992.Carol-Ann Munroe is also the first woman, of the lot, to have been charged with treason.

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