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Pandit Shri Prakash Gossai will be cremated in New York on Thursday having died from a heart attack early Monday morning.Yesterday and again today,Cheap NFL Jerseys, at the Grace Funeral Home,Cheap Jerseys 2018, North Conduit Boulevard,Supply NFL Jerseys Factory, there will be the viewing of the body and kirtans.Pooja and final rituals will take place tomorrow at the same funeral home from 08:30 hrs to 11:00 am,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Cheap, thence to his residence at 120th Street, South Ozone Park.Pandit Shri Prakash GossaiHe will be cremated tomorrow at the St. Michael’s Crematorium, Astoria Blvd, East Elmhurst, N.Y.Pandit Gossai had been medivaced over the weekend for emergency treatment for a heart condition.He became ill last Thursday evening after leaving work, and was admitted to the Balwant Singh Hospital and subsequently transferred to the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI).Yesterday, the Central Executive Council (CEC) of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) expressed its sympathy and deepest condolence at the passing of Pandit Gossai.They described Pandit Gossai as a patriotic Guyanese and religious leader,Authentic Jerseys China, who sacrificed the material for moral and gave up his science career and returned to Guyana.CIOG said that Gossai is a religious leader, who truly understood the Hindu faith and who possessed the rare quality of eloquence combined with a beautiful voice which he used effectively to communicate the teachings of Hinduism among his followers.Gossai, the organisation said, displayed tolerance and was respectful of the other faiths and their followers and seized every opportunity to promote racial and religious harmony.He has left a legacy, the CIOG said, that should inspire his followers and religious leaders who are keen in promoting love, unity and harmony.Pandit Gossai was the founder of the Bhuvaneshwar mandirs in the United States of America and Guyana.Born in Handsome Tree, Mahaica Creek, East Coast Demerara, on April 25, 1953, Pandit Gossai, as he was commonly referred to, is the sixth of eight children.Pandit Gossai attended Cummings Lodge Government School, where he spent four years and topped his class every term.At the GCE exams, he attained nine subjects,Nike Air Max 1 Womens Sale, with several distinctions. He then proceeded to the University of Guyana (UG), where he pursued medical technology for two years, after which he embarked on a Bachelor of Science degree, and then graduated as best graduating student in the faculty of natural sciences.Pandit Gossai migrated to the USA in 1983, where he founded the Bhuvaneshwar mandir. It is there that he performed most of his religious practices and got youths involved in their culture and religion.He spent one year in India educating himself extensively on Hinduism.He later returned from India and started to work in New York as a ‘Hindu Missionary.’From 1992 to 2007, Pandit Gossai was exclusively involved in religious work in New York, and then President Bharrat Jagdeo asked him to return to Guyana to render his services in his homeland.In 2002, Pandit Gossai was awarded the Medal of Service on the anniversary of Guyana’s Independence, for his positive contribution and commitment.

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