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Supply Cheap Jerseys Amendment









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發表於 2018-2-10 08:41:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The fact that the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) opposition walked out of the NationalMinister of Communities,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Online, Ronald BulkanAssembly during the introduction and debate of the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill on Thursday evening had no bearing on its passage.The Bill was introduced, debated and passed nevertheless. All that is necessary to make it law is the President’s assent.As soon as the Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkan took the floor, PPP/C members of Parliament (MP) walked out. The PPP/C took this action claiming that it was not given adequate time to prepare speeches for the debate of the Bill.In fact, the PPP/C, before walking out,Cheap Jerseys, caused a debate over whether the Bill should have been debated that evening. But it being the minority in the National Assembly had no other choice but to go along with what the government wanted.The Local Authorities Bill seeks to amend the Municipal and District Council Act,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Chapter 28:01, to provide clarity regarding its application with respect to the new local government system.It also seeks to amend the Local Authorities (Elections) Act, Chapter 28: 03, to ensure consistency in its application as obtains in the Municipal and District Councils Act.Bulkan told the National Assembly that contrary to the opposition’s contentions, the Bill is not “onerous” nor does it make it harder for smaller Parties and individuals to contest Local Government Elections.Further, the Minister said that the Bill clarifies statements in the Local Authorities Act that contradict Chapter 28:03 of Guyana’s Constitution. “All this Bill does is seek to provide clarity,” said Bulkan.Bulkan stated that the Bill ensures the right to local democracy and is about “handing power to the people.”“What this Bill does is to invest in local democracy (which is) unheard of from those members on the other side of the House,Jerseys NFL China,” said the Minister.Public Infrastructure Minister,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, David Patterson, concurred that the Bill does not in any way affect the rights of individuals in any constituency.He told the House, “The reason the opposition is absent has nothing to do with consultation or limited time, it is a pattern.He said that from all indications,wholesale nfl jerseys, the opposition is just trying to frustrate efforts by the government to secure all Legislation needed to ensure the holding of Local Government Elections next year. The Bill was passed with no objection. (Abena Rockcliffe)

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