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Cheap Jerseys From China it will involve nighttime activities









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發表於 2016-12-28 18:32:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Swedish blues rockers GRAVEYARD are currently filming a video for their new song "Endless Night".Commented the band: "The boys in the 'YARD are heading back to Stockholm to wrap yet another video — this time for the song 'Endless Night'. Without giving away too much,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, there will be a touch of Alfred Hitchcock, it will involve nighttime activities, and last but not least,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Joakim will be back on vocals again for this one. Expect the unexpected,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, but with a title like 'Endless Night' you're in for something to remember ... Lights out.""Endless Night" comes off GRAVEYARD's third album, "Lights Out", which will be released on October 26 via Nuclear Blast Records. The "Goliath" single preceded the full-length CD on September 21 as a digital download and on seven-inch vinyl. The single includes a special non-album track, "Leaving You". The "Goliath" seven-inch vinyl was issued in four different colors,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, featuring four different cover artworks."Lights Out" track listing:01. An Industry Of Murder02. Slow Motion Countdown03. Seven Seven04. The Suits,Wholesale Jerseys, The Law & The Uniform05. Endless Night06. Hard Time Lovin'07. Goliath08. Fool In The End09. 20/20 (Tunnel Vision)Regarding the "Lights Out" cover artwork, GRAVEYARD states, "The cover is something completely different than the last cover. It has a lot to do with the title, 'Lights Out'. Our goal was that both the title and the cover would sum up the feeling of the album. And just to make things clear, 'Lights Out' is not a reference to either UFO or ENTOMBED. Even though both are excellent bands."Comments the band: "The ['Goliath'] lyrics deal with the feeling that everyday life is a constant David vs. Goliath scene. You all know the story and the scene. You look around, get pissed off and want to 'stick it to the man.' Musically, it has many influences. And, as usual, we've tried to get it both heavy and swinging at the same time."

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