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發表於 2016-12-28 22:58:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A communication system using fiber optic strands of glass for the transmission of data. The two main types of fiber optic cables used to transmit information to multi-mode and single mode optical fiber. They use light energy to travel to one or more glass fibers. A single-mode fiber is an integral part of a network of fiber optics. It is a kind of optical fiber cable, transfer a file from the light allows. A single fiber has a 9-micron (9 mum) core diameter,Cheap Minnesota Wild Jersey, capable of supporting Gigabit Ethernet data transmission up to 10 km. There are different types of single-mode fiber, including staggered cut fiber, low water peak fiber,Cheap Chicago White sox Jersey, fiber non-zero dispersion and dispersion shifted fiber.
Increased bandwidth capacity
A single-mode optical fiber cable Supports A higher bandwidth of a multi-mode fiber optic cable in Quebec. The main objective of the United Nations of a fiber optic cable (OU All Other Communication System) is to allow a maximum OR of data bits to be transferred between the issuer and Fewer Errors with the receiver. The Core Narrow limiter single-mode fiber dispersion / distortion of the light (or “multi-path ‘effect),Cheap Jerseys USA, AND the bandwidth capacity of reducing the cable.
Used for Longer Transmission Distances
Simple single-mode fiber optics cables used to pay HAVE configured Wide Area Networks (WAN),Cheap Chicago Bears Jersey, Metropolitan Networks (MAN) and campus networks. A remote support its transmission UNTIL 50 times that of a multi-mode fiber. Use SMF EST generally UN For the transmission of data “over a long distance.
Limited Data Dispersion &amp,Cheap MLS Jerseys; External Interference
Rays of light parallel to the axis of core single mode fiber. This contrasts with a possible multi-mode fiber,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, the light rays from all sides and directions. The single input mode of the SMF limit light scattering,Chicago Bears Jersey China, which in turn eliminates waste and speeds data transfer increases. A single cable mode is immune to external noise, including electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI).
Increased Transmission Speeds
Single-mode fiber optic cables provide higher speeds minimized because of their capacity and more bandwidth interference from outside. can support a single strand of optical fiber to transmit up to 10 Gbps (gigabytes of data per second),Cheap Minnesota Vikings Jersey.
Source: fiberstore

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