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發表於 2018-2-12 03:47:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Seahawks are deeper at receiver this year than they were when Baldwin was a rookie in 2011, so there may not be as many opportunities for Lockett. But Baldwin expects Lockett to make the most of his chances.
"He has the explosiveness, he's got the speed,Air Max 97 Buy Online, he's got the savvy, and he has the work ethic,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China," Baldwin said. "Naturally, you just want to be close to someone like that because you know they can do anything they put their mind to."
Lockett seems poised to contribute on offense,Cheap NHL Jerseys China.
"We talked about him so much as a returner that you just kind of put him over there in that category," offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell said. "Really from day one when he jumped in here it was like 'OK, wait a minute. This guy can be a wide receiver (too).' I think that says a lot about him."
Doug Baldwin managed to make the college-to-pro transition quickly despite being an undrafted rookie out of Stanford in 2011. Baldwin caught 51 passes for 788 yards and led the team in receiving.
Coach Pete Carroll practically gave the kick returning duties to Lockett on the night the Seahawks selected him in the third round of the draft. Seattle struggled in the return game a year ago after Golden Tate left for Detroit in free agency and Percy Harvin was dealt to the New York Jets.
"I think it's helped me just because my dad taught me the mental part of the game,Cheap Jerseys Online," Lockett said. "Just being able to understand coverages, being able to understand how to get open. It's all about getting open at the end of the day regardless of what routes you have."
"We've all been impressed with his attention to detail and how he wants to get it right," Carroll said. "He spends extra time and all that. He's an unbelievably quick, fast guy,Nike Off White The Ten, very confident catcher, really good route runner. He's doing great. We're not going to hold him back, he's going to push it for as much playing time as he can get at receiver and then we're giving him a great shot to be returner in both kicks and punts."
"He's a lot more polished than I was as a rookie," Baldwin said. "He's doing a fantastic job out here. Really good chemistry with Russell (Wilson) and other quarterbacks and just making plays when he has the opportunity to do so."

RENTON,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Wash. (AP) — Rookie Tyler Lockett is turning heads in the Seattle Seahawks training camp with his quickness and route-running ability, and given his family history, it's really no surprise.
His father and uncle are Kevin and Aaron Lockett, who like Tyler also had distinguished careers at Kansas State and played professionally.
However, Baldwin says Lockett is more advanced at this stage than he was as a rookie.

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