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發表於 2016-12-29 05:40:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On October 24, Universal Records re-released DIAMOND HEAD's classic debut album,Kerry Wood Cubs Jersey, "Lightning To The Nations", as a "deluxe edition." Remastered from the original tapes, it comes in a dual case with brand new full-color sleeve plus a bonus disc of singles and B-sides. It also features a 16-page booklet with liner notes by Dave Everley. The full track listing is as followsisc One:01. Lightning To The Nations02. The Prince03. Sucking My Love04. Am I Evil?05. Sweet And Innocent06. It's Electric07. HelplessDisc Two:01. Shoot Out The Lights02. Streets Of Gold03. Waited Too Long04. Play It Loud05. Diamond Lights06. We Won't Be Back07. I Don't Got DIAMOND HEAD played one of the biggest shows of its career in early July at the U.K. installment of the Sonisphere festival at Knebworth House. The band opened for the so-called "Big Four" of 1980s thrash metal  METALLICA,Aaron Sanchez Blue Jays Jersey, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX  who had been paying tribute to DIAMOND HEAD at previous "Big Four" shows by performing "Am I Evil?", a DIAMOND HEAD track METALLICA made famous by covering it on the B-side of its 1984 single "Creeping Death".In a recent interview with Radio Metal,Will Clark Giants Jersey, Tatler was asked if it's fair to say that without METALLICA, DIAMOND HEAD might not be as well-known today as it is. "Yes, absolutely. Since they've started covering songs in 1984. And of course, if METALLICA hadn't had made it big, it wouldn't have made any difference, but the fact that DIAMOND HEAD had been covered by such a huge and important band has just reflected the glory onto DIAMOND HEAD, hasn't it? It's just made the DIAMOND HEAD legacy seem much more cool and credible and important, because we've influenced the major metal band in the world. . . Obviously, DIAMOND HEAD were going before METALLICA, but yes, I think we would've faded away in the late '80s without METALLICA. If they hadn't have done covers  because a lot of bands don't do covers, do they? They just do their own material,Zack Wheeler Mets Jersey, but METALLICA decided to do covers for B-sides and things and that has just been fantastic for bands like DIAMOND HEAD, and BUDGIE,Brett Cecil Blue Jays Jersey, and MOTRHEAD, and MERCYFUL FATE,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, or whoever they've chosen to cover."When asked if he gets tired when people talk about "Am I Evil?" and confuse it with a METALLICA song, Tatler said, "I don't mind, because I get the royalties! [laughs] I think we've all done that, we've all listened to an artist and thought, 'That's a good song,Danny Salazar Indians Jersey,' and then later realized they didn't write it, they just did a good version of it.  . . I've had [people not believe me when I told them who originally wrote the track]. I said,Mark Grace Cubs Jersey, 'It's a DIAMOND HEAD song,' and people answered, 'No, it's METALLICA!' You have to tell them to look at the small print on the record where it says, 'Written by Tatler/Harris in 1980.'"

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