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On October 6, Eddie Webb of "VH1 Classic Rock Nights" conducted an interview with JUDAS PRIEST members Glenn Tipton (guitar), Rob Halford (vocals) and Richie Faulkner (guitar). You can now listen to the 31-minute chat using the audio player below.JUDAS PRIEST kicked off the North American leg of its "Epitaph" farewell tour on October 12 at AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas (with support from THIN LIZZY and BLACK LABEL SOCIETY).Regarding JUDAS PRIEST's farewell world tour, Halford previously said, "We're pulling out all the stops. We've built a brand new stage set, we've got all the effects that people love us for  the lasers, the fire, the bombs, the smoke, new costumes, and the bike. It's just a full-on metal extravaganza."As for whether this is really the end of JUDAS PRIEST's touring days,wholesale soccer jerseys, Tipton said, "We don't plan on retiring. We've said that this is our last world tour. It takes a chunk out of your life  18 months. We won't be doing any more world tours as such and in many parts of the world, it will be the last time people will get a chance to see us. But we're not gonna stop. We've got an album in the can now,soccer jerseys from china, we will start to write with [new guitarist] Richie [Faulkner], there will be more albums, and who knows?! There might be a string of dates that we can manage to do. We're just not gonna do another major world tour. We've been doing it for 40 years and it's time to let the younger bands have the chance."JUDAS PRIEST's newly released compilation, "The Chosen Few", sold 1,300 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The collection,cheap soccer jerseys china, which came out on October 11 via Legacy/Sony,wholesale mls jerseys, contains songs that were selected by some of the biggest names of the hard rock/heavy metal world, including KISS' Gene Simmons, Ozzy Osbourne, Slash, METALLICA's James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich,cheap soccer jerseys, Alice Cooper and SLIPKNOT's Corey Taylor. Interview (audio):

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