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發表於 2018-2-15 11:09:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Bengals are 3-0 for the second consecutive season and the eighth time in franchise history,Jerseys China Cheap NFL. They host Kansas City at home on Sunday with a chance to go 4-0 for only the third time. Their best starts were 6-0 in 1975 and 1988.
After their 3-0 start last season, the Bengals had two losses and a tie and wound up settling for another wild-card berth. They've reached the playoffs each of their past four seasons and lost the opening game every time.
Twice on Sunday, he rallied the Bengals from behind in the fourth quarter. He made an on-target throw that A.J. Green turned into an 80-yard touchdown, and then led the Bengals 80 yards in six plays to the winning score.
"We've had this start before," coach Marvin Lewis said. "They know what it takes,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and I think that gives you confidence.
What's more encouraging is the way they've gotten there. The defense looks vintage with end Michael Johnson back and tackle Geno Atkins fully recovered from reconstructive knee surgery. And Andy Dalton is playing better than ever in his fifth season.
Since the 1990 season, 75 percent of the teams that started a season 3-0 have reached the playoffs.
A 28-24 win in Baltimore left the Bengals (3-0) one of three unbeaten teams in the AFC, along with New England and Denver.
Dalton completed passes of 23, 19 and 31 yards on the drive. He changed the play to set up a 7-yard touchdown to Green with 2:10 to go.
The prized pupil so far is Dalton, who is off to the best start of his career. He has completed 66 percent of his throws for 866 yards with eight touchdowns, one interception and a passer rating of 121.
CINCINNATI (AP) — The Bengals are in rare territory for them: Unbeaten after three games with an early chance to take control of their division,Cheap NFL Jerseys China.
Cincinnati is a game up on Pittsburgh (2-1), which lost quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for several weeks to a sprained left knee on Sunday. Cleveland (1-2) has gone through more quarterback issues. And the Ravens are three games back with a home loss to the Bengals.
"It's like going to take an exam, being well-prepared and sitting in the front row as opposed to sneaking into the back of the class. That's the way they should be."
"We can't start feeling (good about) ourselves just because we're 3-0," safety George Iloka said. "I think that's kind of what hurt us last year. We started feeling ourselves, started getting into the power rankings, things like that."
Notes: Left tackle Andrew Whitworth confirmed on Monday that he's reached agreement with the team on a one-year extension through the 2016 season. Whitworth,Wholesale Jerseys, in his 10th season with Cincinnati, had lobbied for an extension with his contract up after this season. "It's a done deal," Whitworth said. "I want to be here. I'm invested here. These guys mean so much to me."
"He's taken himself to another level and I think the real great players in this league, that's what they do," offensive coordinator Hue Jackson said on Monday. "Not that he deserves that kind of praise yet. We've got a lot of games to win in order for him to reach that."
"The way we're clicking right now,Cheap Arizona Coyotes Hoodies, it would be naive not to think that this is really a great opportunity for us to escalate in our division and within the AFC," receiver Marvin Jones said on Monday. "It's important to note that, keeping a mindset we're in this play-by-play,Cheap China Jerseys, game-by-game. But you obviously see the big picture and right now, it's in our favor."

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