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發表於 2018-2-16 02:00:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At a time when the Ministry of Health is encouraging the debate to ban smoking in public places, the Caucus of Ministers of Health have expressed the view that such a ban would be in the public good.The Caucus endorsed the recommendation for the smoking ban as the Region intensifies its efforts to tackle Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).At a meeting of the Caucus of Ministers of Health, in Geneva Switzerland, on May 18- 19, 2009, CARICOM Health Ministers re-affirmed their commitment to the goals and time lines embodied in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).They also supported the co-ordination by the CARICOM Secretariat and the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) for the development of model laws and policies to reduce second-hand smoking and to ban smoking in public.Additionally, the Ministers were strong in their support of current efforts in the Region to promote the responsible use of alcohol and for the banning of its sale to minors.They also acknowledged and endorsed the efforts being pursed by some producers to address its responsible use.The Regional Chronic Diseases Co-ordinating Committee,was tasked with developing programmes in support of the Ministers’ positions on tobacco and alcohol, which would form part of the specific actions to be pursued and highlighted during the period leading up to Wellness Day,2009, to be celebrated on September 12, 2009.The CARICOM Health Ministers noted further, that there was a proposal to construct a Public Health Laboratory for Trinidad and Tobago. They recommended that consideration be given to undertake this project on a modular and phased basis, that would permit the planning for the Trinidad and Tobago (national) and the regional facility for the Caribbean Regional Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to be accommodated in one location.The meeting was attended by the Ministers of Health of The Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago and Heads of Delegation of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.In 2008, Minister of Health,Wholesale Jerseys China, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, had revealed that his ministry is looking at legislation to ban smoking in public places.Minister Ramsammy had urged the public to begin the debate and join the advocacy on encouraging people to stop smoking.He explained that if Guyanese start to voice their opinions on whether the government should ban smoking in public places, then his ministry will move in the direction of having the relevant laws in place to address the issue.He also noted that his ministry is prepared to make a proposal to the cabinet on the issue, as long as the Guyanese people are prepared to discuss the matter.Currently, smoking has been banned in all health facilities and compounds.Additionally, the Ministry of Education has a ministerial directive to ban smoking in educational facilities.However, Minister Ramsammy is advocating for the need to address what takes place at the universities, workplaces, restaurants and bars, where there are frequently large numbers of people, who are exposed to second hand smoking.He emphasized that it is a big issue, and the people need to start the discussion.So far, nine countries around the world have banned the use of tobacco in public places, while other countries have taken partial banning.Partial banning on the use of the substance has been instituted in fourteen countries in the Americas, 30 countries in the Afro region and 19 countries in the Western Pacific.

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