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發表於 2018-2-16 05:50:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A loss would leave the Patriots at 2-3 for the first time since 2001. They won the Super Bowl that season.
"I probably don't pay attention too much because I understand what's going on," Brady said. "I know probably a lot more information than you guys have, a lot more information than they have, and we're just trying to focus on the things we can to do to get better."
How difficult is it to recover from Monday's loss? What about Brady's age? How about having a 37-year-old quarterback?
"Like (Belichick) always says, ignore the noise and just stay focused on what we need to do, stay focused on what our process is to try to make the improvement,Cheap NFL Jerseys," Brady said. "We've got an important job to do this week and the clock is ticking."
The offensive line has struggled with frequent personnel changes. Only one wide receiver has more than 10 catches.
There are plenty of those.
Coach Bill Belichick was even more repetitive.
"We'll see," he said.
Since, then Brady has been criticized by television analysts.
"I can definitely do a better job (but) it's not an individual sport," Brady said. "This isn't like hitting home runs or playing golf and not making par. We're all trying to do a better job."
But is he past his prime?
Still, he said: "I trust all the guys in the locker room."
Brady hasn't thrown for more than 249 yards this season after averaging 271.4 last season. Against the Chiefs, he completed 14 of 23 passes for 159 yards with one touchdown, two interceptions and two sacks.
He said he's not listening as he prepares for the Bengals (3-0).
"I think we all understand it's all about what people think you've done lately," he said. "We're not worried about Tom. He's a guy who's a leader of this team."
In the last 14 quarters,Cheap Jerseys 2018, Brady has led the offense to just 46 points. Backup Jimmy Garoppolo produced seven more when the rookie replaced Brady with just over 10 minutes left in Monday night's 41-14 rout by the Kansas City Chiefs.
"We'll see," he said.
"It's not the time to tense up and call it a season,Air Max 97 Black Leather," Brady said. "We're tied for the best record in our division, not that that is a great feat by any stretch. But we'll see what we're made of as we continue to fight through these tough weeks, and, hopefully, it builds character and builds resiliency."
Safety Devin McCourty isn't surprised by the criticism of his quarterback.
The Patriots hope that single-minded focus will get their offense rolling and restore the solid defense they played in their two games before the loss to the Chiefs.
That poor start didn't generate such hand-wringing because expectations were low after a 5-11 record in 2000. But in the last 11 full regular seasons, they're 138-38.
So far he's led the team to a sputtering start.
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — Tom Brady tries not to get too high when things are going well or too low when they're not.
Does he have the talent around him and blocking protection to succeed?
The Patriots (2-2) have little depth at any offensive position and the usually positive Brady was restrained in assessing the team,Cheap NFL Jerseys.
Does the team have "the intestinal fortitude" to fight through its current adversity?
"I'm trying to do the best job I can do," he said.
The winner of two MVP awards in both the regular season and the Super Bowl is ranked 27th in completion percentage, 29th in passer rating and 33rd in the 32-team NFL in average gain per attempt.
Good thing, considering how poorly the season has gone for him and the New England Patriots offense.
"It's important not to ride the wave of emotion of, 'Yeah, we're really great,' and,NBA Jerseys China, 'Yeah, we're terrible this week,'" Brady said Wednesday. "It doesn't serve any purpose other than to understand the things that you need to correct."
"Right now," he added, "we're preparing for Cincinnati."
"We're on to Cincinnati," he said in answering each question.

Now, coming off the second most lopsided loss in his 15 NFL seasons, he'll face the team that has allowed the fewest points per game (11) this season,NFL Jerseys China Online, the unbeaten Cincinnati Bengals, on Sunday night.

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