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發表於 2018-2-17 02:29:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He was forced out of Sunday's win at Oakland with a groin injury and didn't practice Wednesday, so his status for Sunday is uncertain.
Wide receiver Eddie Royal, knocked out of Sunday's victory with a rib injury,Cheap Jerseys, was a full participant at practice.
"I don't want to get into the past and what happened over there in Kansas City," he said. "What's done is done. Love that staff, love the guys over there,Cheap NFL Jerseys, love the fans. I have no problem with Kansas City. So I stay away from that."
"It's going to be more fun," Flowers said. "I laugh when I watch more film because I know those guys' tendencies, I know their movements. It's just fun. Everybody thinks this game is so serious. This is a game that we play and have fun. I know I do. I have fun playing the game on Sunday. It's going to be a lot of fun to be out there."
Flowers was released by the Chiefs in June even though he was coming off his first Pro Bowl appearance. The cornerback quickly signed with San Diego and leads the Chargers with two interceptions.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Brandon Flowers hopes he's a quick healer.
"I think he's playing good football," Kansas City coach Andy Reid said. "He played good football here; he's playing good football there. He's a good football player. Smart kid and good football player."
The Chargers (5-1) have won five straight games,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys. Kansas City (2-3) returns from its bye.
As much as Flowers would like to say this is just another big game against a division rival, it's clear it's bigger than that.
Flowers gradually lost playing time last season in Kansas City,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, and his bloated contract helped make him a salary cap casualty.
Coach Mike McCoy actually cracked and said there's a benefit to having a player like Flowers on the roster when it's time to play his old team.
Other Chargers not practicing Wednesday were linebacker Jerry Attaochu (hamstring) and running back Donald Brown,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale, who hasn't been cleared to return after suffering a concussion in a victory against the New York Jets.
Flowers said he was miffed at first, "because that's all I knew, was being over there. I love where I'm at, winning,Jeff Green Jersey, love the coaching staff over here."
Running back Ryan Mathews (knee) and linebacker Manti Te'o (fractured foot) remain out indefinitely.
The Kansas City Chiefs are coming to town Sunday, and boy wouldn't Flowers love to be healthy enough to play against his former team.
"I definitely want to play. You'd best believe that if there's any chance I can play, I'll be out there," Flowers said.
"At times you'll see something. Coaches have a good idea but if there's a question you'll bounce it off somebody," McCoy said.

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