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發表於 2018-2-17 13:14:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I don't have a great answer for them I guess," Manning said Wednesday. "I'm always trying to play better,Discount NFL Jerseys, always watch the film of the games with my coaches pretty critically, trying to improve whether we've won a game or lost a game, trying to see how I can do my job better in whatever phase that is.
—Denver made wholesale changes to the offensive line at midseason, and that chemistry remains a work in progress.
—Manning won't match last year's high numbers,Wholesale Jerseys China, including his 55 TD passes. But he and San Diego's Philip Rivers are the only quarterbacks who have seen such stiff competition: Both have faced seven of the league's top-10 scoring defenses.
—Manning has four more TD throws than MVP favorite Aaron Rodgers and is once again the hardest QB in the NFL to sack.
"It's looks outstanding," McCoy said, adding he's not surprised the Broncos have made such a dramatic shift: "It's whatever's best for your team, that's what you do."
"What you're looking for is to win the game," Manning said. "And there's different ways to win."

Mike McCoy, whose Chargers (8-5) face the Broncos this weekend,Jerseys NFL Cheap, said if anybody thinks Manning is losing it,Cheap NFL Jerseys, they're mistaken: "That's the furthest thing from the truth if you ask me."
Fox reminded everyone this week that the Broncos could teeter-totter the other way and throw the ball like crazy Sunday.
McCoy was half-jokingly asked on a conference call in Denver his thoughts on this new "Mike McCoy/Tim Tebow" offense that coordinator Adam Gase is running.
Because he hurt fantasy owners in their playoffs last week when his TD streak came to a halt at 51 games, three shy of Drew Brees' NFL record, and he was picked off twice for the fourth time in the past six games.
"So, I feel good physically and certainly I'm always looking to play better."
Broncos fans and fantasy players who have Manning on their team are worried, though. They fill the airwaves and social media with questions about his health.
The absence of Julius Thomas has allowed defenses to play a single high safety and bring the other safety up to clog the crossing routes, forcing Manning to make throws outside the numbers, which are sometimes harder.
Here's a breakdown of what's happening in Denver:
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Peyton Manning is tied for the NFL lead with 36 touchdown passes and he's 90 yards shy of his 14th 4,000-yard season.
They debate whether Denver's midseason shift to a run-heavy offense was more out of necessity than design (as in, are defenses and age finally catching up to Manning?).
Demaryius Thomas was held to two catches for 11 yards Sunday against Buffalo, his lowest output since 2011, when Tim Tebow was his quarterback.
Never mind that the Broncos (10-3) beat Buffalo,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, keeping pace with the Patriots in their quest to earn home-field advantage in the AFC playoffs for a third straight season.
Coach John Fox saw the need earlier this week to declare "our passing game is fine," and defend his five-time MVP, saying, "I can't think of another quarterback I'd rather have than Peyton Manning."
Manning had 22 touchdowns and just three interceptions in September and October,Cheap China Jerseys. In November and December he has 14 TDs and eight interceptions.
And he's coming off his first career home game in which none of his passes ended up in the end zone and multiple throws ended up in opponents' hands.
So, why all the angst?
Manning, too, is reticent to acknowledge there's been a fundamental shift in offensive philosophy in Denver.
—The Broncos downshifted their high-octane offense in part to capitalize on C.J. Anderson's rise from fourth stringer to starter and because of injuries to Julius Thomas, who's missed almost a month, and Demaryius Thomas, who got stepped on last week in practice.

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