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發表於 2018-2-18 08:37:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Kiana Wilburg “You may say one thing on the election campaign trail,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Women, but when you get into office and it does not seem as though you can deliver what is expected, then you have an obligation to explain it to your supporters.”This was Education Minister, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine’s response to recent statements made by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on radio licences arbitrarily granted under the Jagdeo regime.The First Vice President said, recently, that he would prefer to see new licences being issued as opposed to the revocation of others.Dr. Roopnaraine told this newspaper, yesterday, he would not want to contradict his Prime Minister in public,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, but noted that his views during the 2015 election campaign trail on the matter remain unchanged.The Minister of Education said that the radio licences which were granted during the Jagdeo rule, indeed represent a most grave injustice on the nation. He said that he believes that it has to be reviewed.The Member of Parliament said, “Indeed the licences were arbitrarily given out. This was my position on the campaign trail and I maintain it today. But I do know that we promised the nation that we would review those licences, the conditions under which they were granted, and the violations which occurred since then.“We should move seriously and expeditiously in that manner and be guided by the outcome of that review. If the review finds that the licences were unlawfully granted as we believe them to be, then by all means they should be revoked.”Asked if he believes that the somewhat “softened” approach being taken on the matter now will affect support, given their expectations, Dr. Roopnaraine answered in the negative.Prime Minister, Moses NagamootooEducation Minister, Dr. Rupert RoopnaraineGNBA Head, Leonard CraigHe explained, “On the campaign trail you can be passionate about subject matter which has been at the heart of injustice, a subject that relates to the people in a very deep and serious way. But when you get into office, sometimes you realize that it is not as easy as it seems or it cannot be done immediately, or else there will be serious implications.“And I think that when you find yourself in such a situation then you should go back to your supporters and explain to them why you have now taken a certain position.”It is upon this ground that the Minister of Education says that the Prime Minister should explain himself to the people.“And when I see him I would be suggesting that he does this,” Dr. Roopnaraine added.Additionally, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, maintained his position that all licences illegally granted under the Jagdeo period should be rescinded. He said that there is no doubt that the issuing of radio licences and the spectrum to certain people alone is something that is unconstitutional and is repugnant to any true democracy.He had recalled on numerous occasions how Jagdeo,Wholesale Jerseys From China, weeks before leaving office, awarded his best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop five radio frequencies; New Guyana Company Limited, five, and Telcor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc., another five.Telcor’s contact person is Omkar Lochan, who happens to be the former Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment. That Ministry was headed by Robert Persaud. Lochan has since resigned.It was also exposed that the owner of the radio station is Robert Persaud’s sister, Ruth Baljit.New Guyana Company is the one that publishes the party’s newspaper, Mirror,Cheap Jerseys From China, and whose contact person is PPP’s Member of Parliament (MP), Dharamkumar Seeraj.Jagdeo also gave two cable licences to two of his closest friends, Vishok Persaud and Brian Yong.Ramjattan had been protesting with private media houses, including Kaieteur News, against the unfair distribution of the radio and cable licences. During those protests,Wholesale NFL Jerseys USA, he also called for unlawful licences to be taken away.In the meantime, Nagamootoo’s comments have worried some members of the GNBA and other critics outside of the entity.The officials who spoke with Kaieteur News on Sunday said that Nagamootoo would be making a big political mistake were he to follow through with such an approach.Significantly, Kaieteur News was also made aware by several officials within GNBA that all the prime spots for television channel frequencies, as well as cable are all gone because of the PPP’s ad hoc scheme. They noted that while some space is still available in the radio spectrum for new applicants, major spots are already taken up.Considering this, some officials within GNBA and even critics outside of the entity are questioning Nagamootoo’s reasoning for favouring the award of new licences without addressing expeditiously, those illegally granted.On several occasions, the Chairman of the GNBA Board, Leonard Craig,China Jerseys Wholesale, has been questioned on this state of affairs.Before Nagamootoo’s utterances to the media, Craig had failed to give any clear answer on the revocation of unlawful licences. He would only say that the Board will host a press conference with the media. He made this promise last year and this year it is yet to be fulfilled.On Sunday, Craig told this newspaper that the Board has made no decision to rescind the licences,NFL Jerseys Supply, but noted that legal advice suggests that it is better if the Board does not.The Chairman also declined to reveal who the “legal minds” are, except to say that they are “well respected.”With regard to the long-awaited press conference, Craig said that the Board has a Public Relations Officer who will be handling that matter.

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