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–    Says firemen got there when the blaze was in final stageMarlon Gentle, the head of the Guyana Fire Service, yesterday continued his testimony before theFire Chief Marlon Gentle testifying before the commission.Commission of Inquiry (COI) set up to probe the fire at the Camp Street prison last month which resulted in the deaths of 17 inmates.Gentle told the COI that no amount of training or experience could prepare someone for the tragedy that occurred on that day for which he, as well as ranks who responded to the fire, received counseling.The Fire Chief revealed that for all his years working at the Guyana Fire Service, he had witnessed a series of unfortunate events, but none could be compared to what transpired on March 03, last.Gentle said that based on the reports he received, a body with the head removed from the torso was found in the Capital A Block and another body was found in a hunched position over what appeared to be a toilet seat with the intestines out.He told the commissioners that those two particular cases need further investigation.“I am a trained investigator with 15 years of experience, and I have seen a lot,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, but what was reported to me, especially with the degree of destruction of the bodies and to the level of injuries those bodies would have suffered – a head detached from a body and intestines protruding from a body – even with the violence of that explosion, you’re not supposed to lose your internal organs.”The Fire Chief said that he believes that both of the bodies would have suffered other types of trauma before the fire,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, which means that they were subjected to some type of force such as stabbing, striking or something of that natureWith over 30 years of fire-fighting experience, Gentle said that no fireman could say that he is okay with what transpired on that fateful day.The fire official said that when his team responded to the fire, the entire section of Capital A Block was engulfed in flames. He explained that firemen managed to save the bottom part of the structure.According to Gentle, it was difficult to save the area in which the fire started, because there were items such as mattresses, bedding and clothing, which were easily ignited and thus made matter worse.The witness faced questions from Attorney for the joint services, Eusi Anderson, about whether standard operating procedure (SOP) was followed on the day of the fire, to which the fire chief responded in the affirmative.“The SOP was followed on that day, because I had my radio on and I was listening to all the communication of the response team going into the incident,” Gentle said.When asked why so many lives were lost as a result of that fire,Jerseys Authentic Stitched, the fire chief said that the fire service could not have prevented that, and that they would have only received a call after something would have happened and not before the actual event.Also,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Gentle said that there are three stages of fire and when firemen responded to the scene, the fire was already in its final stage.Questioned on the responsibility of the officer on duty that day,NFL Cheap Jerseys, Gentle explained that the officer would have had command over the affected area.“That officer has to make sure he has enough resources, and he has overall command over equipment and men responding to the scene,” the witness said.The Fire Chief was asked whether there are drills conducted by the Guyana Fire Service which could prepare them for events like the one that transpired on March 3, to which he said that there are three sets of drills being carried out frequently.He said that together with the prison,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, there are operations which would be carried out at the prison regularly. The last such exercise was on March 11, last.The COI was ordered by President David Granger following arguably the deadliest riot to ever take place within the local prisons.The President appointed Justice James Patterson, Merle Mendonca and retired Director of Prisons, Dale Erskine, as Commissioners to oversee the work.The panel is expected to investigate, examine and report on the causes, circumstances and conditions that led to the disturbances on the morning of March 3, 2016, that resulted in the death of prisoners at the Camp Street Prisons; the nature of all injuries sustained by the Prisoners, and any other subsequent disturbances.The Inquiry is being conducted in the Conference Room of the Department of Public Service, Ministry of the Presidency.

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