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Air Max 97









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發表於 2018-2-18 12:27:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Brown's reasoning mystifies us.
California needs to pour cold water on the idiots flying drones so close to California wildfires that they threaten lives and drive away aircraft trying to put out the blazes,Wholesale Jerseys.
This is particularly true of firefighting. Pilots already risk their lives dealing with the weight of fire retardants and the unpredictable air currents created by out-of-control fires. A collision with even a small hobby drone could be deadly, and having to avoid them risks lives on the ground.

All that is true, but it's irrelevant. Drone misuse is a new problem that our laws do not adequately address,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, and it threatens not only property but lives.
One-third of the California incidents involved a drone flying within 500 feet of an aircraft. Airline pilots have reported drones as high as 4,Air Max 97 White,000 feet, interfering with landing approaches.
What a relief. Let those firefighters and school kids fend for themselves.
Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. John Garamendi, D-Walnut Grove, get it, but apparently Gov. Jerry Brown does not.
San Jose Mercury News on drones interfering with firefighting efforts:
"Over the last several decades California's criminal code has grown to more than 5,000 provisions covering every conceivable form of human misbehavior," the governor wrote. "During the same period, our jail and prison populations have exploded. Before we keep going down this road,Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, I think we should pause and reflect how our system of criminal justice could be made more human,Wholesale Jerseys China, more just and cost-effective."
Brown, on the other hand, just vetoed three bills that would have increased penalties for flying drones over California wildfires, prisons and elementary schools. The bills called for up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $5,000 for interfering with firefighters in the line of duty.
But wait — the governor is not unmindful of the dangers of drones. He did sign a bill outlawing paparazzi from flying them over private properties. Rich celebrities are now better protected.
California firefighters have been forced to ground their aircraft at least four times this year because of drones. In the San Bernardino Mountains fire in July,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, five drones were spotted hovering over the flames. They shut down airborne firefighting.
Oct. 9
Boxer on Wednesday proposed the Safe Drone Act, making it a misdemeanor subject to a fine and a year in prison to operate a drone within 2 miles of an airport or of firefighters battling a fire on federal land. Garamendi had introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives in August.
Hobbyists flying drones near airports is also on the rise. According to a federal report released last week by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, nearly 1,000 incidents have been reported nationwide — one in five in California, more than any other state. (We do like our gadgets.) San Jose's airport had the second most incidents in the state (18), trailing only Los Angeles (42).

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