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發表於 2016-12-29 18:42:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Norwegian satanic black metal band NETTLECARRIER will release its self-titled debut album on September 21 in Europe and September 25 in North America via Indie Recordings. The cover artwork was created by artist Truls Espedal (ENSLAVED, THEATER OF TRAGEDY,Xander Bogaerts Red Sox Jersey, DJEVEL), who has painted all of ENSLAVED's album covers since 2001."Nettlecarrier" track listing:01. The Boiling Blood02. Paa Vaare Paaler Deres Hoder03. I Helvete Kristus Skal Forgaa04. Naar Han Vaakner05. Demoriel06. Cup Of Lethe07. Bundet Til MastenThe song "Paa Vaare Paaler Deres Hoder" can now be streamed using the SoundCloud player below.NETTLECARRIER features in its ranks T. Ciekals (DJEVEL,Ozzie Smith Cardinals Jersey, LJÅ),Javier Baez Cubs Jersey, Mannevond (KOLDBRANN,Carl Yastrzemski Red Sox Jersey, URGEHAL) and Dirge Rep (ORCUSTUS, GEHENNA,Scott Kazmir Dodgers Jersey, GORGOROTH,Deion Sanders Giants Jersey, ENSLAVED).NETTLECARRIER was formed in 2004 when T. Ciekals,Allen Craig Red Sox Jersey, who was a member of the band LJÅ at the time, moved to Oslo and teamed up with Mannevond from the infamous KOLDBRANN. "I had been in contact with Mannevond a few years back and we were both fans of each others bands,Mike Napoli Indians Jersey," said Ciekals. They had a burning desire to create a black metal band that did not sound like anyone else, but with an older and more sinister sound. In late 2006, Vold joined in on drums for a short while and as a three-piece the pace increased. This resulted in the release of the seven-inch vinyl single, "To Strangle The Hero Of Heaven". When Mannevond started Urgehal and T. Ciekals formed DJEVEL, NETTLECARRIER was put on ice for almost three years. "I left LJÅ in 2007 to focus on DJEVEL and Mannevond was busy with URGEHAL, but NETTLECARRIER wasn't dead, just buried for a while," explained Ciekals. After the DJEVEL album was released, Ciekals was finally able to focus on NETTLECARRIER again. The very talented Dirge Rep joined the band on drums in 2010 and the decision to record an album was made.

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