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發表於 2018-2-19 04:11:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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York spoke to the 49ers players about two weeks ago about conduct before NFL owners unanimously approved changes last week to the league's personal-conduct policy — and "it was clear" what the expectations are with the 49ers, linebacker Dan Skuta said.
"Not a situation you want to hear about, very unfortunate," quarterback Colin Kaepernick said. "He just brought us together and let us know what the situation was and why he was released. It's tough. He was a good friend to a lot of people on this team. No one around him ever thought bad of him. He was always a good person to everyone around here. Hopefully it's just a misunderstanding."
"The victim alleged she was possibly sexually assaulted a day prior," Randol said. "Based on preliminary investigation, detectives secured a search warrant and served it at the alleged suspect's residence in San Jose."
San Jose police Sgt. Heather Randol said Wednesday that the department is investigating McDonald on suspicion of sexual assault and had searched his San Jose home.
Prosecutors cited conflicting versions of what happened, a lack of verifiable eyewitnesses and a lack of cooperation by the alleged victim, McDonald's fiancee, in explaining their decision not to pursue charges in the domestic violence investigation.

"Like you would expect,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, extremely disappointed," Baalke said. "We drafted Ray in the third round. He's been an awful good football player and for the most part, has been a tremendous asset to this organization and this community. He has made some poor decisions. He's aware of that. This is a case of being accountable for those decisions."
Baalke said the 49ers notified the NFL of the allegations against McDonald, saying: "This is a team decision. This is not a league decision."
Following the arrest,Cheap Jerseys USA, York, Baalke and Harbaugh repeatedly said they have zero tolerance for domestic violence. The 49ers stuck by McDonald throughout the investigation, with Harbaugh regularly saying that "due process" would play out. He played despite outside pressure on Harbaugh and the organization to bench him.
Randol didn't immediately respond to follow up questions seeking to clarify the reference to the alleged victim saying she was "possibly" sexually assaulted.
"We expect a lot from our players, hold them accountable for their actions," Baalke said. "This is a situation that we can all learn from."
She said her son warned her not to talk to the media, but she told the paper that "there's no truth to that stuff."
"After the recent allegations concerning Ray McDonald, we as an organization notified him and his agent that he will be terminated, released immediately, effective immediately," Baalke said. "While this organization has a strong belief in due process and has demonstrated that over time,Stitched NFL Jerseys, Ray's demonstrated a pattern of poor decision-making that has led to multiple distractions to this organization and this football team that really can no longer be tolerated."
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league is "looking into" the case,holesale Soccer Jerseys.
Baalke spoke with McDonald and his agent by phone around 11:30 a.m. PST to let them know the defender is "terminated"
Harbaugh notified the players Wednesday of McDonald's dismissal. An eight-year NFL veteran,wholesale nfl jerseys, McDonald has been a key member of one of the NFL's fiercest front seven units.
"You just really don't know what to believe,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, so I'm not getting mad at Ray," Skuta said. "Obviously you want him here with you and you're a little upset he's not here. I have no business getting upset with him for something that he may or may not have done."
McDonald's mother, Labrina McDonald, told the San Jose Mercury News the allegation was "laughable" and not true.
This is the second time in recent months that McDonald has been the subject of a police investigation.
McDonald was signed through the 2015 season. He had 26 tackles and three sacks in 14 games this season.
Baalke said CEO Jed York and coach Jim Harbaugh also were involved in the decision.
SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — Citing a pattern of behavior and off-field issues, San Francisco 49ers general manager Trent Baalke informed defensive lineman Ray McDonald that he was released Wednesday amid a sexual assault investigation by San Jose police.
No arrests have been made nor charges filed. McDonald's agent, Tom Condon, didn't immediately return a call seeking comment.
McDonald received a five-year contract in July 2011 and he was one of the top players Baalke had wanted to bring back long term.
Randol said an area hospital notified police late Tuesday night that a woman was seeking treatment.
Last month, the Santa Clara County district attorney's office announced that it declined to file charges against the defensive lineman in a domestic violence investigation. He was arrested Aug. 31 while celebrating his then-upcoming 30th birthday at his home.

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