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發表於 2018-2-19 05:33:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Totally back to my old self," said Gronkowski, who holds NFL single-season records for most touchdowns and yards receiving by a tight end. "Going into that Cincinnati game (six catches for 100 yards) in Week 5, everything just kicked in and I felt good," he said.
You can't even hurt his feelings.
"It feels good to be 100 percent healthy," he said, "and not get a million questions like last time about my ankle."
So when Seattle nickel back Jeremy Lane says "I actually don't think he's that good," the best tight end in the NFL says, simply,Wholesale Jerseys, "Everyone's entitled to their own opinion."
Even when he got them,Cheap Jerseys From China, his sense of humor kicked in.
"The young man has had to deal with so much early on in his career and he has a great, great attitude and a great heart. He's got a unique joy about him," Patriots special teams star Matthew Slater said. "Even in the midst of that adversity, he was staying positive. He was focused on getting back on the field."
"It's definitely a tough experience" being hurt for big games, Gronkowski said. "Definitely don't take the game for granted anymore. It's an honor to be out there on the field with my teammates."
PHOENIX (AP) — Rob Gronkowski's ankle is fine. So are his forearm and knee. He's way past those injuries that ruined his last three postseasons.
He's taking that same passion for physical play into the most important game Sunday.
That's Gronkowski. He keeps a light touch whether he's healthy or hobbling. His upbeat character rubs off on teammates.

He has a touchdown catch in each of his two playoff games.
Of course, the 265-pound Gronkowski can change that opinion when the Patriots face the Seahawks and the 190-pound Lane in the Super Bowl on Sunday. Healthy again, he should be a handful.
Gronkowski rehabbed obsessively, played in the opener and gradually made a greater impact. He caught just 13 passes, although three were for touchdowns,NFL Jerseys Outlet, in the first four games. But in each of the next five,Wholesale Jerseys USA, he had at least five catches with 100 or more yards receiving in three of them. He knocks down defenders and keeps on running.
"Ready to roll," he said Tuesday.
He recalled that in high school when someone would deliver a big hit, he and his teammates would "go crazy."
The fun-loving but hard-working Gronkowski was back on a Super Bowl Media Day platform on Tuesday. His laugh and smile were present, just as they were three years ago. The questions were different.
No wonder wide receiver Julian Edelman calls him "just a big goofball who has fun playing football,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China."
Depending on where he lines up — wide, in the slot or right next to the tackle — Gronkowski will be covered by different defenders. On some plays, it will be 232-pound safety Kam Chancellor. On others it could be linebackers K.J. Wright or Bobby Wagner. And when the Seahawks play a zone defense, cornerbacks Richard Sherman and Byron Maxwell may get a crack at him.
"It gets you amped up," Gronkowski said. "That's what's so special about (football) is how hard you can go and just take whatever you have built up and just go full speed at someone and level them. And someone can do that to you, so you've got to be ready at all times."
When another ankle question came up Tuesday, even though that body part hasn't sidelined him this season, he said, "It's very good. Thanks for worrying about my ankle."
No matter who covers him, Gronkowski won't back down.
But now he must face the NFL's best defense. Seattle allowed the fewest points, yards and yards passing.
Now, for the first time in four years, he has a healthy shot at having a good day in the final game of the Patriots season.
Or why team owner Robert Kraft said Tuesday, "In our next life,Cheap Jerseys, a lot of people might want to be Rob. He never has a bad day."
Asked before the 2012 game how he was feeling, Gronkowski said with a grin, "Good. How are you feeling?"
Gronkowski missed the AFC championship games the past two years with a broken left forearm in 2013 and a torn ACL and MCL in his right knee in 2014. In the Super Bowl in 2012, he was limited by a high left ankle sprain. New England lost all three.

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