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發表於 2018-2-19 08:34:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I think that you will see all three of them have a chance to play in different roles," Bradley said. "It does create opportunities. It is that cliché 'next man up,' so it will give more opportunities to D-Rob and Todman and Storm. All three will be utilized."
"I have all the respect for Toby,CHeap NFL Jerseys China," Bradley said. "He really wants to play, but after talking to the doctors and the trainers and as coaches,Cheap Jerseys, we just stepped in saying,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, 'Let's give you this week off so you can stay off of it.' We will hopefully accelerate it and we're not dealing with it from week to week.
Johnson led the Jaguars with 24 yards rushing against the Steelers.
"He came back and had a really good week this week," Bradley said. "I think that the more reps he gets in practice,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, the more accustomed he gets. He's doing some really good things in practice."
Bradley declined to name a starter, saying it would depend on what formation the offense opens in Sunday.
Coach Gus Bradley ruled Gerhart out Friday,Nike Air Max 1 Womens Sale, saying backup Denard Robinson, rookie Storm Johnson and journeyman Jordan Todman will split carries against the Titans.
The team has raved about Johnson in recent weeks, saying the seventh-round draft pick from UCF has natural running ability and lots of upside.
Gerhart has 48 carries for 123 yards and a touchdown this season. He ranks near the bottom of the league in yards per carry, averaging 2.6, and has been slowed since injuring his foot and ankle during a horse-collar tackle in the season opener at Philadelphia.
Signed in the offseason to replace Maurice Jones-Drew, Gerhart re-injured his foot in the first quarter of Sunday's 17-9 loss to Pittsburgh. He practiced Wednesday,Cheap NFL Jerseys, but sat out Thursday and Friday.
"It's tough on him. I know the team holds him in such high regard because of who he is and what he's battling, but I think this is truly best for us and best for the team."
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Jacksonville Jaguars running back Toby Gerhart won't play Sunday at Tennessee because of a sprained right foot.

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