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發表於 2018-2-19 10:19:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Preliminary work has already started for the “limited test” that is expected to be conducted on the 2015 voters’ list provided by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).EAB Project Director Dmitri NicholsonThe preliminary list of electors has shown that since the last general election in 2011,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, the number of persons on the list has grown by 75,000; an extremely worrying figure for contenders. The ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was the first to express its rejection of the “seemingly bloated list,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys,” while the Opposition coalition,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, A Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC),Nike Air Max Tn Shoes For Men Sale, recently voiced concerns about the increased number from 2011 to now.While GECOM cannot legally remedy the list,Wholesale China Jerseys, but has assured strict measures to maintain its integrity,Undefeated Air Max 97 Australia, some persons say it is possible for the information to be manipulated.However to quell concerns, watchdog body Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB) announced its intent to conduct a survey to verify the authenticity of the grown list by an acceptable percentage. They will also be playing an observer role on Election Day and have already commenced training in this regard.To assist in carrying out their mandate, the United States Embassy pledged to release significant funding to the agency.EAB’s Project Director Dmitri Nicholson told the newspaper yesterday that the aid is expected before weekend and its implementation will be managed by the International Republican Institute (IRI). It will go towards training Election Day observers and used to facilitate the test among other things.As it relates to the activities linked to the testing, preliminary work has commenced, while the agency is awaiting certain information from GECOM following the two sides’ recent meeting. The election body is expected to provide the list of new names which caused the increase on the general list among other things.Of these names, 1200 will be selected for testing. The proportional method of stratification will be employed in the important task of correctly representing each region according to their increases. The EAB says that its job will be to highlight inconsistencies to GECOM,Air Max 97 Undefeated Green, if any. GECOM is legally charged to deal with any such matters involving elections and will thus be tasked with rectifying any matter that might surface.Along with the Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB), the Organization of American States (OAS) will benefit from the US monetary contribution. The Embassy said that the resources, some US$300,000, would assist in efforts to ensure fair, free, and credible elections in Guyana on May 11, as both agencies have a proven track record of successful election monitoring missions and are widely respected.EAB noted that interested persons with no political agenda can contact the agency at email address [email protected] to aid in the services they plan to provide during the election period. The agency will be engaged in observer activities.

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