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發表於 2018-2-20 06:13:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"There were 26 plays in the fourth quarter," Kelly said. "Brandon was out there for all 26. And Nolan was out there for 21 of the 26."
The Eagles starting cornerbacks Bradley Fletcher and Cary Williams have come under the most heat after the Eagles let a 27-point lead against St. Louis get tighter last week during a run that included some big plays for the Rams.
But the starters will be Fletcher and Williams.
"I know everybody is on the corners, but man, I went back and looked at every play. We did it as a staff over and over again. And the corners have their share, but it is not them and them alone," Davis said. "I can break down every play that they had and tell you multiple other people that had a breakdown on that play."
Davis was quick to defend his corners and said there was enough blame to go around for the fourth-quarter struggles,Undefeated Air Max 97 White.
Davis is said he's not ready to make a change,Wholesale Jerseys.
The Eagles backup cornerbacks,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Brandon Boykin, who generally covers the slot,Mens Nike Free Run, and Nolan Carroll were on the field for most of the Rams comeback,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, according to Eagles head coach Chip Kelly.
NOTES: Four Eagles sat out of practice, Wednesday, including both starting inside linebackers DeMeco Ryans (groin) and Mychal Kendricks (calf). Backup running back Chris Polk (hamstring) and backup wide receiver Brad Smith (groin) were also out of practice. Ryans expects to play. Kendricks may need another week.
Davis says the players still have ability and are doing what he's asking.
Against a Giants offense that employs a three wide receiver set most of the time, the Eagles will have at least Boykin and perhaps Boykin and Carroll on the field a lot this Sunday.
"Everybody on the outside looking in has no clue what we do on this defense," Williams said.
"If there was a change to be made,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, I promise you we would make it," Eagles defensive coordinator Billy Davis said. "But it's got to be for the right reasons."
"I have complete confidence in our corners, I really do," Davis said.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — On paper, the Philadelphia Eagles have had one of the worst defenses in the league through the first five games. But they're not making any personnel changes for Sunday night's game against the New York Giants.

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