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發表於 2018-2-20 15:38:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Sherman said that while city leaders have come and gone, "the one constant is Mr. Fabiani's employment of the San Diego Chargers. He has been nothing but negative the whole time."
The NFL said it distributed 1,000 tickets. The crowd was estimated at 450.
"I don't view the audience as being disrespectful or anything like that,Cheap Jerseys 2018," Grubman said. "I think they were very passionate. I think they chose to,Air Max 97 Undefeated White, as a group, express their points of views and pour out their emotion rather than ask questions. ... I do not think it gave the fans the satisfaction that they're seeking that the tide would turn tonight. I recognize they want to be part of it, and they want to be part of a victory."
There weren't many questions of the four NFL executives who sat on stage.
Fabiani, who works for Chargers chairman Dean Spanos,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, blamed politicians, not the fans, for the team's stance. The Chargers walked away from negotiations with the city and county in mid-June. Fabiani said the team won't accept Faulconer's proposal because of a "flawed fatal EIR process."
The San Diego hearing came three days after the Chargers were embarrassed at home by the Raiders, 37-29. The game drew at least 50 percent Raiders fans.
"I measure these things very simple. It's not complicated," Grubman said. "There was nothing on the table for anyone to discuss a year ago. There is something on the table that political leadership in the city and the county are discussing. They're trying to prove out their case; their case being that you can build a stadium at Mission Valley, you can get it financed, it can be attractive and any environmental challenges can be dealt with. They're working on that, and that is forward progress as compared to a year ago."
"I don't think you need me to interpret that," Grubman said afterward, when asked about the crowd's sentiment toward Fabiani. "When a person is the face of something unpopular, it draws the criticism and ire and boos. I understand their reaction but I don't think you should try to make more of it than it really is."
City Councilman Scott Sherman gave an impassioned speech,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China. He said Fabiani's claims that the city hasn't been able to accomplish anything "is the furthest thing from the truth."

Fabiani said Friday that the team will file for relocation because he believes the Rams and Raiders will as well. NFL owners could vote as early as January.
"It's good to see all of you here tonight," Fabiani, a one-time deputy mayor of Los Angeles, told the crowd Wednesday night at a downtown theater.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The lawyer who is leading the San Diego Chargers' efforts to move to Los Angeles was vigorously booed as he addressed the crowd at the beginning of a public hearing the NFL mandated as part of the relocation process.
Despite Fabiani's constant criticism of the city, Grubman said there has been progress in San Diego.
Another reason the team opposes Faulconer's proposal is because it caps public contributions at 32 percent and makes the team responsible for overruns. Fabiani has said the team wants at least a 60-percent public contribution.
Eric Grubman,Cheap Jerseys, the NFL's point man on Los Angeles, had to step in and ask that the crowd to calm down.
Fabiani has criticized the city's environmental impact report. However, Gov. Jerry Brown recently approved an accelerated judicial review process for any lawsuits filed.
"Why don't you tell the truth?" one fan yelled at Mark Fabiani, who has criticized Mayor Kevin Faulconer's efforts to build a new stadium in Mission Valley to replace aging Qualcomm Stadium.
Many at Wednesday night's hearing vented on Fabiani, criticized the plan to move to Carson and told stories about growing up Chargers fans. Many said they would not drive up the freeway to games if the team moves, and many said the name Chargers should stay in San Diego.
"That's a lie," one fan yelled.
Many Chargers fans feel betrayed because the team and its biggest rival, the Oakland Raiders, have proposed a joint $1.7 billion stadium in Carson, an industrial suburb of L.A. if they don't get stadium deals in their home market. Their proposal was announced after St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke announced plans for a stadium in Inglewood.
A similar hearing was held Tuesday night in St,Cheap Jerseys Free. Louis and one will be held Thursday night in Oakland.

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