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Wholesale NFL Jerseys China









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發表於 2018-2-20 17:06:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bowles said the team will see how Mangold feels as the week goes along to determine his availability for Sunday's game at Oakland. Second-year offensive lineman Dakota Dozier replaced him for three snaps against the Patriots,China Jerseys.
"I don't know the timetable on him getting better," Bowles said. "I just know it's not as bad as we thought it was."
Bowles said Weatherford did OK despite being rusty after not having punted in a game since the preseason with the Giants. Weatherford's net average was 30.8 yards on four punts against the Patriots. Bowles said the Jets will see how Quigley feels at practice Wednesday and make a decision on the position when he's healthy.
"Nick is our field general just as much as Fitz is," said right guard Willie Colon,NFL Jerseys China, referring to quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick. "Just his ability to put us, especially the line, in a place where we can be effective and make the right calls. He's everything for us and he's pretty much a coach on the field."
Multiple tests — an X-ray, a CT scan and an MRI exam — on the New York Jets center came back negative Monday, and coach Todd Bowles described the injury simply as a "sore neck."

Safety Calvin Pryor has a sprained ankle and his availability is also uncertain. Cornerback Buster Skrine has injuries to his shoulder and some fingers on one of his hands, but Bowles said he should be fine.
"He was the only one in close proximity,China NFL Jerseys," Bowles said,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, "that could probably get on a plane that we kind of knew of at that point in time."
Mangold left the Jets' 30-23 loss at New England on Sunday late in the fourth quarter when his head was knocked into by Patriots linebacker Jamie Collins on a play. He stayed face-down on the field for a few moments before eventually sitting up as trainers and doctors checked on him, and walked off the field on his own at Gillette Stadium.
While Mangold has experienced stinger injuries during his career, Bowles didn't think that was the case with the latest injury from what he was told from doctors, calling it a "muscle/neck" situation.
NEW YORK (AP) — Nick Mangold avoided what initially appeared to be a lot more than just a pain in the neck,Wholesale NFL Jerseys.
Safety Jaiquawn Jarrett cleared waivers Monday and was added to the Jets' season-ending injured reserve list with knee and shoulder injuries.
Bowles said punter Ryan Quigley's right shin was "feeling better" Monday after he sat out the game. The Jets had to sign Steve Weatherford on Saturday when they realized Quigley would potentially be sidelined. In a pinch, they called Weatherford, who lives in New Jersey,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, while the punter was on-air doing a radio show.

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