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發表於 2018-2-20 22:19:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Smith said he's confident his name will be cleared and that he'll be with the Broncos all season,Jerseys NFL Cheap.

Wolfe is allowed to participate in camp and preseason games before beginning his month-long suspension.
Because it was a performance-enhancer, Wolfe will be banned from the Broncos facilities during his suspension.
Jackson missed the rest of practice but attended the evening walkthrough and said afterward he was confident the injury was minor.
Midway through the first day of training camp, fellow defensive end Malik Jackson, who actually logged more snaps than Wolfe last year, strained his left calf.
Jackson said he has to be patient especially with Wolfe missing the first four regular season games.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — The Denver Broncos' biggest area of concern is their defensive line,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, where starting end Derek Wolfe is facing a four-game drug suspension.
Jackson, who got hurt during a pass-rush drill, said, "Next year I'll come back sooner,Supply NFL Jerseys, two weeks sooner just to get my body acclimated. ... I just think my body wasn't used to going out there and going that fast again."
"Our D-line's getting kind of low," Jackson said. "Luckily,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China, we've got Antonio (Smith) back and a bunch of young guys are coming along and Vance (Walker) and Kenny Anunike. But it's just that I have a lot of expectations for myself this year. So, doing this is a setback but also a blessing in disguise that it happened the first day so I have time to get it right."
Asked what caused the failed drug test,NFL Jerseys China, Wolfe said, "We're not going to talk about that right now. It was personal issues I was dealing with, and I dealt with it in a manner that I shouldn't have. I'm just going to move past it. I just want to talk about football."
"Fortunately for me it happened on the first day," Jackson said. "So I have a lot of time."
"I'm disappointed in myself. I let the fans down, I let my teammates down, my coaches and the whole organization," Wolfe said. "At the end of the day, I'm going to sit out four games and I'm going to come back strong. Like I said, I'm going to be (ticked) off and I'm going to be hungry."
"I'm going to train every day, twice a day,Cheap NFL Jerseys," Wolfe said, "and I'll come back in even better shape than I left camp."
Smith was held out of OTAs and Denver's minicamp this summer after news surfaced of a criminal sexual complaint against him in Texas. The Broncos consulted with the league office and are allowing Smith to attend training camp because Smith hasn't been charged or arrested in the case.

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