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發表於 2018-2-20 23:21:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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ROSE HALL TOWN, CORENTYE – Laurie Ann Burnett, an employee of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company in New Amsterdam, has been adjudged Mother of the Year in Region Six.Her daughter, Nollyann Burnett, placed first in the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club/DTV Channel Eight Annual Mother’s Day Essay Competition. Nollyann described her mother as a perfect role model who dedicates her life to her children and makes sure they understand right from wrong. Laurie Anne Burnett is 44 and is the mother of three girls and a boy.In accepting her award,NFL Jerseys China, Laurie Ann Burnett said she was pleased to know that her teachings did not go unnoticed. She cited patience, discipline and her faith in God as main reasons for her success as a parent.Fifty-year-old Shushela Ramphal, of West Canefield Settlement in East Canje, is the first-runner-up. Her daughter, 13-year-old Shoma Hemchand, of New Amsterdam Multilateral School,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, sought permission to enter the competition. “I wrote that she is very caring, very loving,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, hard working,Cheap NFL Jerseys, simple, and she is a very good mother to me and my brothers and sisters. She is the best in the world.”Ms. Shushela Ramphal said,2018 Nike Air Max 97, “When she was finished writing the essay, she sealed the envelope and asked me to drop it in. She told me not to read it. I was so surprised when I heard we won. “Shakila Mohamed, of Cumberland, was the second-runner-up. Her daughter, 14-year-old Radika Bissoondat, also of New Amsterdam Multilateral School, entered the competition.The mother said, “I feel happy for the surprise because I did not know anything. I did not know she took part. Is when the organizers called to say she won then she told me she had to write an essay.“She has always been doing well at school. When she wrote Common Entrance she got a place at President’s College but we chose Multilateral.”Their children all described their mothers as devoted parents who put the needs of their children first. The three mothers were each given a Mother of the Year certificate and tokens.Chief Executive Officer of the Rose Hall Youth and Sports Club,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Hilbert Foster, explained that the aim of the competition is to reward outstanding mothers, all of whom must be nominated by their children. The winners are expected to serve as role models for the next year and be an inspiration for younger mothers.The presentation ceremony was held recently at the DTV Channel Eight office in New Amsterdam.

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