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Wholesale Jerseys NFL Immigration









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發表於 2018-2-21 16:59:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Minister of Home Affairs,Wholesale Jerseys, Clement Rohee yesterday said that former police officer Krishna Lakraj was not fired from the Ministry of Home Affairs for corrupt practices. The Ministry of Home Affairs gave Lakraj the boot about two weeks ago.The retired Assistant Police Commissioner was the Head of the Ministry’s Immigration Department.He said that Lakraj’s removal “was more a question of the efficient management of the (Immigration) Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs.”Rohee said that the real problem was applicants being made to wait too long to have their issues addressed.He added that there is no staff shortage at the Ministry of Home Affairs hence,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, matters should not have been delayed as was happening under the management of Lakraj.Rohee said that Lakraj’s slothfulness created a lot of issues. Many persons kept complaining via the telephone and by email. Rohee told the media that he is concerned with a Ministry that has to be efficiently run.He said that no matter of corruption came to his attention and challenged media workers to share any information they have on corruption with him. “If you have something you should share it with me.”Rohee said that he did not get personally involved in the matter to avoid it being dubbed “political.”He said,Cheap Jerseys China, “If the Head of the Immigration Unit was of another ethnic group and the Minister of Home Affairs got involved,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, it probably would have been spun in another direction.”Lakraj retired from the police force over three years ago,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, but was re-appointed to head the Ministry’s Immigration Unit.The retiree served in that capacity for about two years,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, until he was handed his dismissal letter just as the year was about to end.Lakraj has been reportedly ordered to remove from the police accommodations at the Leonora Police Station where he resided, even after completing his service to the local security force years ago.

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