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發表於 2018-2-22 01:31:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police investigators are busy building a case against a man who they believe is the mastermind behind several armed robberies committed on persons leaving city banks with large amounts of cash.Dead: Hardat KissoonThe man, who was positively identified in surveillance camera footage obtained from a city bank, has been fingered in the robbery/murder of Cane Grove rice farmer,Cheap NHL Jerseys, Hardat Kissoon, early last month.Kissoon was shot dead in a mini bus at the Turkeyen Access Road by a man who had trailed him from a city bank, where he had encashed a cheque for $500,NBA Jerseys China,000.Last Saturday,Cheap China Jerseys, police swooped down on the Princess Hotel casino and arrested the man believed to have ridden the getaway motorcycle after the robbery/killing. He has since provided investigators with information on the shooter as well as the mastermind.Kaieteur News understands that the man told investigators that the mastermind would usually stake out city banks and provide information on persons who make large withdrawals.Surveillance camera footage showed the man, who was previously charged with robbery under arms, in a queue at the bank where Kissoon cashed his cheque. It also showed as the suspect came out of the line when Kissoon left the bank.He then contacted the shooter who trailed Kissoon to the Mahaica Bus Park,Wholesale Jerseys From China, where he boarded same mini bus with the target.According to a source, the shooter then contacted his accomplice on the motorcycle and told him to follow the bus.When the bus reached the traffic light at the University of Guyana Access Road on the main East Coast highway,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Shoe, the shooter requested to come off. As he was exiting the bus, the suspect whipped out a gun and demanded the bag that Kissoon was carrying with the cash. When Kissoon resisted, the man shot him in his chest, grabbed the bag,China Jerseys, and then ran and jumped onto the motorcycle which was being ridden by his accomplice.Again investigators were able to identify the rider, who is known to them, from video footage on cameras in the area.Kaieteur News understands that police had briefly detained the mastermind shortly after Kissoon’s murder but were forced to release him after they were unable at the time to gather enough evidence to institute charges.Armed now with the information provided by the suspected getaway rider, they are adding the finishing touches to their case.“We are now awaiting information on telephone records that were requested,” the source said.Meanwhile, the arrested suspect will make his first court appearance today.

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