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Cheap NFL Football Jerseys









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發表於 2018-2-22 02:36:58 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ryan prefers to recognize another group that isn't getting quite so much attention.
Ryan is just as impressed with the less-glamorous yards.
The running game has produced some big plays — Rodgers' 17-yard touchdown in the season-opening win over New Orleans, Smith's 38-yard scamper for a TD in last week's 56-14 blowout of Tampa Bay. Also,2018 Nike Air Max 97, there has been some impressive displays of versatility, such as receiver Devin Hester scoring on a 20-yard reverse and Smith turning a short pass into a 54-yard touchdown.
Tice said bluntly that he didn't find much to like on last year's film, and he challenged the guys up front to get stronger and show more toughness.
"I really like where our run game is at," Ryan said.
Ryan made sure to remind everyone that the offensive line, which took a huge share of the blame for last year's 4-12 record, has played a big role in the running game's resurgence.
Notes: Hester was named NFC special teams player of the week after setting an NFL record with his 20th return for a touchdown. ... WR Roddy White (hamstring) and LB Prince Shembo (cramps) were limited in practice Wednesday.
"As a guy who prides himself on being the bell cow,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, I'm not sure how much rhythm I can get into," he said. "But it definitely keeps me young."
While the team drafted left tackle Jake Matthews with the No. 6 overall pick, the most important change may have been on the coaching staff,Jerseys China, where former Vikings head coach Mike Tice took charge of the line.
Clearly, they've taken his message to heart.
In Week 1,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, Rodgers ran for a 2-yard gain on third-and-1 to keep a drive going early in the third quarter, helping spark a comeback from a 13-point deficit. Against the Buccaneers, Jackson got the ball in the same situation and turned in one of his most impressive runs with the Falcons, powering for 7 yards to set up Atlanta's first touchdown.
Rodgers, Antone Smith and rookie Devonta Freeman all provide a change of pace to the lumbering Jackson, an element the Falcons are determined to use to their full advantage.

A point of emphasis throughout the offseason, the Falcons (2-1) have shown noticeable improvement on the ground by sharing the load among Steven Jackson and three other backs.
The Falcons had plenty of room for improvement after last season, when Jackson battled injuries and the offensive line got pushed around. Atlanta averaged just 3.9 yards per carry, eclipsed 100 yards only three times, and wound up with its lowest rushing total since 2000.
"That's the first thing we wanted to address," said Jacquizz Rodgers, one of Jackson's backups. "We wanted to get the running game going. We know what we can do with the passing game. If we become a more balanced team, we can become a better team."
"My mindset was to come in and help push the veterans," Freeman said.
"Having coach Tice here has helped a lot," Hawley said. "He has an attitude to him. We're not playing as individuals, we're playing as a team."
Not only has the running game improved, but Ryan has been sacked just four times. He went down a career-high 44 times last season and took more hits than any other quarterback.
Freeman, a fourth-round pick out of Florida State, has already proven to be useful both as a runner and as a target out of the backfield (five catches for 47 yards).
At 31, Jackson is still the starter but no longer gets most of the carries, as he did during his long tenure with the St. Louis Rams. That has taken a bit of getting used to, but he seems accepting of his new role.
Jackson is hoping less carries will extend his career and make everyone more effective.
"Those are the kind of things that, if you're rolling,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, you don't really notice," center Joe Hawley said. "But if you're not getting them, you do notice. Those are really important to keep drives going."
Atlanta heads into Sunday's game against Minnesota averaging 121.3 yards rushing,NFL Jerseys 2018, which ranks 16th in the league. A year ago, the Falcons had the worst running attack in the NFL at just 77.9 yards per game.
The running game.
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — Matt Ryan has received plenty of accolades for his mammoth passing numbers in the opening month of the season. Another came Wednesday, when the Atlanta Falcons quarterback was named NFC offensive player of the week.
"It's a good thing for us that we've got backs with different skill sets," Ryan said. "It makes the defense have to defend a little bit more."

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