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[泰拳] Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale wim1wags









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發表於 2018-2-22 11:13:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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All de time dem boys was wondering how a man does pick who he want as he front man. And dem boys don’t mean de man who walking in front of he or de one who wining up in front of he. De front man is a man who always coming forward to seh that he is de boss when in truth somebody else is de boss.Sonny Boy tun out to be the right front man because he ain’t got nutten. That is how dem does select de front man. He is somebody who ain’t got nutten. All he got to do is guh to jail when de Americans clamp down. Dem Americans ain’t got nutten to seize.De other day some federal officers come to Guyana fuh tek measurement. Dem observe de people dem want and dem got a good idea wha de suit must look like. De tailor who gun sew dem in de States insist that it got to be a pumpkin jump suit but because dem is Guyanese de tailor got to stitch in some Guyana colours down de side.Sonny Boy know and he coming to Guyana. Dem boys seh that he coming fuh a meeting fuh tell de feds something if dem question he. And at de same time he gun meet wid de reporters. That second meeting gun be a gem,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, better than de meeting Fip never had wid de reporters.And while he trying to be de front man Cement and Henry de Yellow planning wha dem gun tell de media bout de $90 million. He was a man who use to like hold press conference. Now he sending all dem detective on leave but he ain’t got clout wid de Auditor General Office.Dem boys now understand how de shotgun disappear from de police station. Tek de case of de Brazilian who get rob pun de road. Two men stick he up and tek $56,000 and push he in a car. When he get out he run to de police station.He start fuh mek he report in English but when he see de men who rob he in de station he mouth start fuh tremble and he talk in Putagee. Dem had to slow he down. Then he point to de two and tell de other police that dem rob he. And de two thiefing police didn’t have time to hide de money.After dem get charge dem claim how de Minister should get charge too. He too rob Brazilians and he rob de whole force.Talk half and think bout jail

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