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Eric Fehr Jersey obu4rr2q









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2016-12-30 01:30:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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HEADCAT (formerly THE HEAD CAT), the high-energy, "take-no-prisoners" combo featuring Lemmy Kilmister (MOTRHEAD), Slim Jim Phantom (THE STRAY CATS) and Danny B. Harvey (ROCKATS, 13 CATS, LONESOME SPURS), will be the featured guest on this Thursday night's (September 1) edition of the nationally syndicated "Loveline" radio show with hosts Dr. Drew Pinsky and Mike. The program airs Sunday-Thursday from 10:00 p.m. until midnight PST (1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. EST) and can be streamed live via the Internet at this location.For more information, visit LovelineShow.com."Walk The Walk...Talk The Talk", the new album from HEADCAT,Mitchell Marner Jersey, sold around 700 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD debuted at No. 49 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists,Sergei Fedorov Jersey, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200."Walk The Walk...Talk The Talk" was released on July 5 through Niji Entertainment Group, the record label Wendy Dio and her and late husband Ronnie James Dio formed before his untimely passing.   HEADCAT was formed in 2000 after recording an Elvis Presley tribute special to which all band members contributed.  Slim Jim Phantom (drums,Cody Eakin Jersey, percussion), was born in Brooklyn and listened to his parents' jazz records. At the age of ten he took up the drums although he always says that the drums chose him.  He is an exceptional drummer who cemented his place among rock royalty long time ago and inspires and excites audiences worldwide.  Danny B. Harvey (guitar,Garret Sparks Jersey, piano) is Texas-born and also discovered his love for music very early. He started playing the guitar at the age of six and even got a full scholarship to study classical guitar. He developed a finger picking guitar style that's very unique and based on his idols Merle Travis and Chet Atkins but also a result of his classical-technique education.  Lemmy Kilmister (vocals, bass, harmonica) was born and raised in England and started to play the guitar at the age of sixteen. With a laughing eye he always said that he only took the guitar to impress the girls. He is an autodidact and changed early to bass as he stated he wasn't a good guitar player. After founding MOTRHEAD in 1975 he knows the ups and downs in the business and has reached the status of an icon all over the world.Twelve fantastic songs for "Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk" were chosen easily. HEADCAT prepare to take over the airwaves with their first single, "American Beat".  "American Beat" is a song written in the studio  Lemmy had the words and the rest came together very quickly.  "I Ain't Never" is one of the songs Lemmy really likes and Danny knew it  a real country, rockabilly number, full of love and ready to take you drifting away.  "Let It Rock" is one of their favorite Chuck Berry tunes  THE ROLLING STONES did it a lot in their live show in the '70s  HEADCAT plays a different version. "Something Else" is a classic Eddie Cochran  Lemmy came on stage with the STRAY CATS and jammed on it at a show in the '90s at Hammersmith Odeon so it came quite natural to take this on the record as well."Walk The Walk...Talk The Talk" track listing:01. American Beat02. Say Mama03. I Ain't Never04. Bad Boy05. Shaking All Over 06. Let It Rock07. Something Else 08. The Eagle Flies On Friday 09. Trying To Get To You10. You Can't Do That 11. It'll Be Me12. CrossroadsLemmy previously stated about HEADCAT,Duncan Keith Jersey, "[It's all about] having fun. Fun for the sake of it. No ulterior motive. No politics. No gender. No fucking around! (laughs)"When asked what each member of HEADCAT brings to the sound of the band, Lemmy replied,Bryan Bickell Jersey, "I don't know. You'd be the one to tell me that! . . . Well,Patric Hornqvist Jersey, you'd have to because I can't judge it,Marian Hossa Jersey, because I'm in it! (laughs) You can't judge what you're in the middle of. It's for the outsiders to judge that. It's for the fans to interpret a song, you know. You can write a song and three different people will write three different stories. I can't tell you what we bring to it. We bring what we got."

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