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Cheap NFL Jerseys China among other representatives from the IDB









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發表於 2018-2-22 15:50:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The final results of the Guyana-Brazil land transport link and deep water harbour projects have been presented to Government,Cheap Jerseys Store, with the administration banking on the initiatives to boost trade and major economic developments.The project can prove economically beneficial to Guyana through stakeholders’ participation,NFL Jerseys 2018, Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson said yesterday.The final results were yesterday presented at the second conference at the Marriott Hotel by Maritime Economist,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, Hamburg Port Consulting (HPC), Dr. Andreas Nohn.Present at the forum, in addition to Minister Patterson, were Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman; Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin; Country Representative, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Sophie Makonnen and Facilitation Specialist, HPC, Peter Cardebring, among other representatives from the IDB, HPC and Brazil.The first conference was in July 2013.Minister Patterson,Cheap NFL Jerseys, according to a statement from Government, said that stakeholders’ participation is necessary since there are many challenges to address if the project is to be completed in a timely manner.The Minister pointed out that Guyana must improve its logistics performance to ease the burdensome process of documentary compliance, and make the process less time consuming.It also has to improve administrative handling for international trade, Customs and agreements governing the operation of trucks, undertaking of cargo, and improving infrastructure, and official communication between the two countries.Additionally, Minister Patterson emphasised that the project can lead to economic growth, and an increase in Gross Domestic Product.“Guyana can increase the competitiveness of its exports,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, and lower maritime cost. Guyana can also benefit from stimulating activity along the road leading to regional economic benefit in terms of employment and GDP. When we also take into account the need for tolling, this may also take another dimension of economic returns for Guyana.”The road being referred to is the paving of the current Linden/Lethem road which links the coastland to Brazil.Patterson indicated that Brazil has not been a major import or export player even though Guyana shares a border with that country.The Amazon River on the Atlantic Coast is the main route for import and export to the Brazilian state of Roraima.  However, this route is not only time consuming, but relatively expensive, therefore, an alternative transportation route is necessary. That is where the projects come in.Minister of Public Infrastructure, David PattersonGuyana and Brazil have formed a working group with a number of meetings held over time. Already a bridge across Takutu River links the two countries.“The traffic potential for cargo is considered to be significant, which is the reason for this market survey, and if the existing port of Georgetown cannot support this potential, the development of a suitable water port in Guyana is therefore the way to go, while the corridor linking the Guyanese border will prove to be a major competitive alternative for routing cargo to and from Brazil,” Minister Patterson explained.The deep water port was touted to be located somewhere in Essequibo with a number of other locations, including Berbice, mentioned.Meanwhile, Makonnen said the initiative is part of the bank’s larger strategic efforts to promote regional economic integration which is one of the institution’s five priority areas.Integration is considered as an engine for growth and development. It is a strategic platform, and allows countries to overcome the disadvantage of small market size in a world where economies of scales are critical, Makonnen explained.Makonnen pointed out that the market study analyses possible transport corridors, reviews what trade facilitation measures would have to occur for port efficiency,Cheap Nike Air Max 2018, customs handling, and border crossing in Guyana and then generate the traffic forecast with different growth assumption.“Guyana has high maritime transport cost due to shallow river ports that do not allow the use of larger ships. It also has a small population. In order to justify the deep water port, the project will have to rely on transship to and from Northern Brazil states.”The link through the hinterland would open new territories to economic development and generate more cost.Over the years, the Governments of both countries have been working towards the enhancement of trade, economic and physical integration.

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