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發表於 2016-12-30 02:01:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Revolver TV conducted an interview with Ozzy Osbourne's wife and manager Sharon Osbourne at the first-ever Rock & Roll Roast,Wholesale China Jerseys, which took place on January 19 at The Grove in Anaheim, California. You can now watch the chat below.Roastmaster Sharon Osbourne and other metal-loving luminaries such as Ozzy Osbourne,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Chris Jericho, ANTHRAX's Scott Ian, SLIPKNOT's Corey Taylor, as well as comedy and roast veterans Jim Norton,Wholesale Jerseys China, Brian Posehn, Jim Florentine and more all took aim at BLACK LABEL SOCIETY frontman and guitar icon Zakk Wylde,Wholesale Jerseys, best known for his incredible axe chops, his golden locks and his signature Bullseye guitar line. "When we first met Zakk, he was 18 years old," Sharon said. "He was the most beautiful 18-year-old you've ever seen. He was just a fantastic kid. He is like our oldest son. That's what Zakk will always be. He's family."When asked what it was that she saw in Zakk that makes him such a "guitar god," Sharon said,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, "He's just got it. He has that 'it' factor that makes you a star. You know, you can't define it,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but he has this presence and he has this sound, as soon as he gets on that guitar, one note, you know it's the Wildman, you know who it is. And that's what makes guitar heroes — you know, that distinctive sound. And he has this strength that so few players today have, and that presence. And he's fucking nuts. [Laughs]"Fan-filmed video footage from the first-ever Rock & Roll Roast can be seen below.Recaps of the Zakk Wylde roast can be found by following these links:* Rolling Stone* Guitar World* The Orange County Register* ARTISTdirectSample stingers from the night's event follow below.Comedian Brian Posehn to Chris Jericho: "Comedy is hard,Cheap NFL Jerseys, isn't it? Stick to sucking at everything else."Comedian Jim Norton to Scott Ian: "You look like Ben Kingsley eating a raccoon." [referencing the ANTHRAX guitarist's trademark beard.]Current OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist Gus G. to Zakk Wylde: "Zakk, I grew up learning all of your riffs and solos. Then I learned how to play real music."Scott Ian on Zakk Wylde: "Zakk's guitar playing is way less diatonic and way more gin and tonic."Zakk Wylde on Sharon Osbourne: "There's a lot of faces up here, and Sharon's is probably the newest. I'm kidding, Mom. You don't look a day over artificial."Zakk Wylde on Scott Ian: "Scott's been playing lots of poker lately, and like ANTHRAX, they can both barely pull a full house."Zakk Wylde on Corey Taylor: "Corey Taylor was in a TENACIOUS D cover band called PUGNACIOUS P. Now he's in a NICKELBACK cover band called STONE SOUR."Brian Posehn to Scott Ian: “So you're responsible for LINKIN PARK and LIMP BIZKIT [thanks to ANTHRAX's early collaboration with PUBLIC ENEMY on a remake of 'Bring The Noise']. On behalf of everybody, (screw) you."Interview:  Fan-filmed footage:

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