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發表於 2018-2-23 02:47:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two families were left homeless shortly after 22:30 hrs last night after fire of unknown origin razed a wooden two-storey building at Lot 24 D’urban Street Lodge.The fire started in the bottom flat and quickly spread through the entire property. The occupants were unable to save anything.Among those left homeless are Samantha Davis,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, a young mother who lived in the eastern section of the bottom flat with her reputed husband and their two small daughters,Cheap NFL Jerseys, one aged two years and the other,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black, a one-month-old premature baby; and Dion Bascom,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, a policeman, who lived in another apartment, also located in the bottom flat, with his two siblings. The top flat was unoccupied.A tearful Samantha Davis told Kaieteur News that she was resting earlier in the night when she heard someone banging on the front door.She became fearful and contacted her reputed husband,Nike Roshe Run Women, who was out at the time.However, she then went back to sleep after one of the residents came home and the banging stopped.But Ms. Davis said that she was awakened sometime later by the smell of something burning. The woman said she assumed at first that someone was cooking, but when she peeped by her kitchen she saw that it was on fire.The woman said that she managed to grab her two children and flee from the building,Soccer Jerseys China, leaving all her belongings to be consumed by the flames.Dion Bascom said that he was at the police training school when a senior rank gave him the news. He arrived home to see his apartment destroyed. Only his brother was at home at the time.None of the occupants could say how the fire started.Errol Phillips, who owns Apex Printery and is the next door neighbour of the fire victims, told Kaieteur News that shortly after 20:30 hrs, a boy who lived in the bottom flat called out to him and said that the building was on fire.He said that he assisted neighbours in a vain effort to extinguish the blaze, which he confirmed started in the bottom flat. When Kaieteur News arrived, firefighters were just beginning to contain the fire.While the victims said that no one had lived in the upper flat,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Mr. Phillips alleged that he had sometimes heard persons walking in the supposedly empty apartment.He said that he had informed police on numerous occasions about the situation but had received no response.

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