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發表於 2016-12-30 05:03:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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SLIPKNOT DJ Sid Wilson will replace J DEVIL,John Stallworth Steelers Jersey, the nefarious DJ alter ego of KORN frontman Jonathan Davis, as the opening act on the ROB ZOMBIE and MARILYN MANSON co-headlining "Twins Of Evil" tour. Davis canceled his participation in the trek after doctors ordered him to refrain from any travel and performing for the next few weeks while he recuperates from  exhaustion following his recent eight-week overseas tour with KORN. The "Twins Of Evil" tour is scheduled to kick off on September 28 in Phoenix,Wes Hopkins Eagles Jersey, Arizona.In a recent interview, Wilson spoke about how he wanted SLIPKNOT to be different from a lot of the nü-metal bands using turntables in the late 1990s. "I'm a musician," he said. "A lot of times, people don't respect the turntable as being a musical instrument, or a turntablist as a musician,Jim Otto Raiders Jersey, but that's because they don't know enough about how the sound manipulation is occurring. You can create notes by how fast or how slow, how long or how short the movements are on the record. You can make the sounds last as long as you want,Steve McNair Titans Jersey, and you can create very subtle degrees of manipulation. You can create the same range of manipulation with a turntable as you could with a guitar. There's all the same factors involved — how long you hold the note,Tony Gonzalez Chiefs Jersey, how hard you hit the string; how fast or how slow you move your hands. All these same factors apply to scratching on a turntable. My thing is to always approach it as making the turntable part an element of the song, instead of,Charley Taylor Redskins Jersey, you know,Tom Rathman 49ers Jersey, the 'featured DJ' part … The turntable should complement everything else that's going on in the music. It shouldn't be like a solo part — for me, it wasn't about the spotlight. The attention might have been on me at that moment, but it was really about doing something that's going to push the groove of the song a little bit further."Wilson's debut solo album,Jim Kelly Bills Jersey, "Sid", was released in September 2011 via iTunes and other Internet retailers. The CD featured Wilson on lead vocals and saw him departing from his usual role as a DJ in both SLIPKNOT and as DJ Starscream.

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