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[PS3] Milan Michalek Jersey 4jguy50m









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"Headstone", the new video from DJERV — the Norwegian band featuring singer Agnete Kjølsrud of ANIMAL ALPHA,Nolan Cromwell Rams Jersey, drummer Erlend Gjerde of STONEGARD and WARDRUNA and guitarist Stian Kårstad of TRELLDOM — can be seen below. The clip is an impressive,Jay Novacek Cowboys Jersey, partly animated, and partly green-screen production by longtime collaborator Jørn Veberg,Doug Flutie Bills Jersey, and co-director Colin McMahon. The video boasts of references and nods to both pop and rock legends,Cris Carter Vikings Jersey, horror-movie poster-esthetics and old zombie movies. "Headstone" comes off DJERV's self-titled debut album, which entered the official chart in Norway at position No. 8. The CD was released in the rest of Europe in June 2011 via Indie Recordings (except in Poland and Czech Republic,Dan Hampton Bears Jersey, where the album was made available through Mystic Production)."Djerv" track listing:01. Madman02. The Bowling Pin03. Headstone04. Gruesome Twosome05. Only I Exist06. Ladder To The Moon07. Abmuse08. Blind The Heat09. ImmortalDJERV consists of the three core members — Agnete Kjølsrud, Stian Kårstad and Erlend Gjerde. The band uses session musicians for live performances.DJERV spent most of the fall of 2010 working on its debut album, which was engineered by Daniel Bergstrand (IN FLAMES, MESHUGGAH) in Oslo,Dennis Byrd Jets Jersey, before the band traveled to Los Angeles to team up with Grammy Award-winning producer Matt Hyde (SLAYER, HATEBREED, MONSTER MAGNET) to work on the mix. The effort was mastered by Tom Baker at Precision Mastering, and it was written and produced in its entirety by DJERV.DJERV's story is short but eventful. The first demos surfaced early 2010, and two weeks later they were booked for the most important festival in Norway, the Oya festival. They went on to tour Norway in June 2010 and played several of the bigger Norwegian festivals during the summer. In August 2010 they released the "Headstone" EP which basically is their first-ever recorded demo tracks made available as people kept demanding to get to hear them not only on MySpace. The release of the "Headstone" EP generated some good press for the band several key magazines featured them as one of the bands to keep an eye out for in 2011. In addition,Art Monk Redskins Jersey, DIMMU BORGIR helped promote DJERV when they invited Agnete to participate on no less than three songs for their latest album,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, "Abrahadabra". Among them the lead track of the album, "Gateways", the video for which also features Agnete.

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