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[PS3] Brooks Laich Jersey msb2rsmr









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發表於 2016-12-30 10:58:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The first-ever Kiss Kruise launched in style yesterday afternoon from Miami,Kari Lehtonen Jersey, Florida with a non-makeup unplugged KISS sail-away concert. Over 2500 Kiss Army members became inaugural members of the Kiss Navy. According to Kiss Asylum, the live and unplugged non-makeup set aboard the Kiss Kruise featured a mix of KISS classics, songs that haven't been dusted off in a few years, and attempts at extreme rarities: 01. Hotter Than Hell 02. Calling Dr. Love 03. Sure Know Something 04. Christine Sixteen 05. Do You Love Me? 06. Shandi 07. I Love It Loud 08. Forever 09. See You Tonite 10. Black Diamond 11. Hard Luck Woman (Paul Stanley lead vocals) 12. Beth (Eric Singer lead vocals) 13. Every Time I Look At You 14. Just A Boy / I / Mr. Blackwell (partial songs performed as an Elder medley) 15. Anything For My Baby / Two Timer (songs attempted, then aborted) 16. C'Mon And Love Me In a recent interview with Wallace Immen of AvidCruiser.com,ED Belfour Jersey, KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons stated about the first-ever Kiss Kruise,Vladimir Tarasenko Jersey, "The Kiss Kruise is a chance for all of us  the band and the fans  to have a ball. Just let your hair down and not worry about it at all. KISS has always been about breaking the rules. We've never liked that moat  the stage  separating the band from the fans. So whenever we do a show, we try to take the action right to your face. A cruise will let the fans get up close. We try to take it inside you, we want you to smell it and taste it and feel it."When asked if the fans were going to get to interact with the band on the cruise,Jon Casey Jersey, Gene said,CM Punk Jersey, "We're going to have a deck up top to ourselves and we will certainly want to bring up fans. It may to a little difficult to get down to the lower levels and hang out a lot, because you've got 3,Andrew Shaw Jersey,000 people on board, who are basically going to shred you to pieces. It's all appreciated of course,Mikael Granlund Jersey, and I say all this with tongue in cheek  I don't mean my tongue in your cheek,Johnny Oduya Jersey, but you know what I mean. The real idea of this cruise is to have fun. Everything about KISS is over the top. Everything about it is meant to really make every day we have above ground a fun day."

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