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MARILYN MANSON's long-awaited new album,Mats Sundin Jersey, "Born Villain", sold 38,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 10 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD arrived in stores on May 1 via Cooking Vinyl and Manson's own label Hell, Etc.MARILYN MANSON's previous album, "The High End Of Low", opened with 49,Jonathan Ericsson Jersey,000 units back in May 2009 to debut at position No. 4 on The Billboard 200 chart. This was roughly half of the first-week tally registered by 2007's "Eat Me, Drink Me", which landed at No. 8 after selling 88,000 copies. MARILYN MANSON's 2003 album, "The Golden Age Of Grotesque", entered the chart at No. 1 with first-week sales of 118,Paul Coffey Jersey,000.In a recent interview with Billboard.com, Manson was asked if putting out his first CD not affiliated with Interscope was a liberating experience. "Yeah," he replied. "I've always had control over what I created,Mike Palmateer Jersey, and in the past once I turned it over to the record label, what happened wasn't always to my liking. A lot of it was more their stupidity, trying to fit me into a hole I didn't belong in,Tony Esposito Jersey, and that would of course make you confused about what you're supposed to be as an artist, not even just as a person. So getting off Interscope gave me the ability to think exactly how you would when you're starting out." Regarding the direction of the new album, Manson said,Marc-Andre Fleury Jersey, "With the previous two records,Morgan Rielly Jersey, I was making music to make people feel like I was feeling rather than to make them feel something — and I was feeling pretty shitty most of the time, so I don't think it was a good idea to do that,Jaromir Jagr Jersey, necessarily. I'm not discrediting the music, [but] my focus was in the wrong place. This record . . . emotionally it brings a different type of attitude that is more the spirit of me and feels interesting and fun for me to do."Marilyn Manson's new video, "No Reflection", can be seen below. The clip was directed by Lukas Ettlin, who previously worked with Manson on the award-winning "Personal Jesus" video."No Reflection" was released as a white seven-inch vinyl in Europe on April 21. The vinyl is strictly limited to 1500 copies and features "No Reflection" (album version) and "No Reflection" (single edit). The release was in support of Record Store Day. "Born Villain" track listing:01. Hey Cruel World…02. No Reflection03. Pistol Whipped04. Overneath The Path Of Misery05. Slo Mo Tion06. The Gardener07. The Flowers Of Evil08. Children Of Cain09. Disengaged10. Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms11. Murders Are Getting Prettier Every Day12. Born Villain13. Breaking The Same Old GroundCheck out the front and back cover artwork below.Manson last September unveiled a new music video for the song "Born Villain" directed by actor Shia LaBeouf. Drummer Ginger Fish (real name: Kenneth Robert Wilson) quit MARILYN MANSON in February 2011 and has since joined ROB ZOMBIE. He has been replaced by the Los Angeles-based drummer Jason Sutter. MARILYN MANSON in 2009 parted ways with longtime record label Interscope following the disappointing sales performance of "The High End Of Low"."The High End Of Low" was Manson's first album with longtime bassist Twiggy Ramirez since 2000's "Holy Wood".  "Born Villain" front cover:

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